“Really? Because it sure as hell feels like it.”

He reaches for my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. “Business is hard, Valentina. You have to be tough, shrewd, and always be one step ahead. That saying about keeping your friends close but your enemies closer, certainly rings true when it comes to the crunch.”

I point at him. “You’re just trying to unnerve me because I have a meeting with a potentially big client, and the truth is, you don’t think I can cut the mustard.”

“That isn’t true,” he maintains as I narrow my eyes. “I just don’t want you to be ripped off, or get into something too big when you’re just starting out.”

“I’m doing just fine.” I wave my hand over to the door. “You can leave now.”

“Don’t be shitty. I came with good intentions. I know how busy you are.”

“So you said it just to rile me?” I tug him by the sleeve of his jacket and walk him to the door.

“No, to see how you’d perform under pressure.”

“So you’re sadistic as well as mean?”

“I’m not mean,” he defends, then whispers. “Who is your big client?”

“You’re on a need-to-know basis. Goodbye, Marco. Thanks for dropping by.”

He shakes his head with amusement as I let go of him. “Always a pleasure, Valentina.”

As soon as he steps out, I let out a sigh of relief.

I know Marco means well, but he’s just like Angelo; overbearing and annoying.

He thinks because he threw some work my way, which won’t harm building my portfolio, it means that I’m at his beck and call. Well, if he taught me anything, it was that punctuation and good manners with clients go a long way.

He may be gruff with the people in his family, but I’ve seen him with clients at his office and I know he’s a professional.

I just need to prove to him, and to the rest of my family, that I’m not a little kid anymore. I can do things for myself.

I just wish they’d all listen.

* * *

I walk into the barn and drop my keys and purse into the basket by the door.

The barn is what I affectionately call the “outbuilding” on my Ma’s property that we converted into a giant master suite.

It didn’t make sense to rent an apartment when Ma has all this land out here and a big house to boot. Plus, it keeps Angelo from having a heart attack because he insists on full-time, around-the-clock security.

It’s nice out here, about a twenty-minute drive out of the city, and no neighbors for miles. Aside from Marco. He has the adjoining property. He bought a rundown old castle years ago and rebuilt it, fully restoring it with all the modern conveniences. Why anyone would want to live in a castle is beyond me, but he seems happy enough brooding around in it, not that he’s ever home because he’s a workaholic. Like most of the people in my family, aside from Fynn.

He does as little as possible and seems to get away with it.

I have dinner with Ma most nights if I’m not running late or going out with friends. Ever since I launched my business, there has been very little time for fun.

Maybe Bianca is right, but I’ve never had a one-night stand. I just don’t think I’m made that way. Not that I have anything against anyone who does. But for me, it’s been a while.

It does not help my dating life when I have such overbearing brothers, and now Enzo is in on the act. Though I know I need to keep on his good side if my little temporary boyfriend date for the wedding thing is to go ahead without a hitch. I don’t see what the big deal is.

And I don’t think they realize how hard they make my life sometimes. I would not blame the next poor schmuck I date for being intimidated.

Kicking my shoes off, I let my hair down, shaking it out and heading to the fridge to find some wine.

I decide to draw a bath before dinner to unwind. My meeting with my now new client went extremely well. I’ve got the job lined up in a couple of months after the casino opening.