Enzo: Soon.

Before I can answer, I hear movement in the next room and when I take in the coffees I just made, I see Bianca sprawled out on her back, her arms flung out on either side of her.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” I say, resting her mug down on the side table. She looks a little worse for wear and is still in last night’s clothes. I did manage to peel her shoes off, but the rest was way too hard.

“I can’t believe I’m this hungover and I didn’t get laid,” she groans.

I laugh. “Your mind is always on the pepperoni, girl. Even when you’re too drunk to remember your own name.”

“I blame you,” she says.

I press a hand to my heart. “Me? I tried to get you to stop, but you kept slugging down those Blue Lagoon’s like nobody’s business.”

“It isn’t my fault the bartender caught my eye and kept giving us free drinks,” she croaks. “Is there water?

“Yes, and coffee.” I pass her the water first.

“I bet I look ravishing,” she says, sitting up and then wincing. I hand her the water, followed by the two aspirin I left last night.

“Take these too,” I tell her, dropping them into her palm.

She knocks them back, then drinks the entire glass of water. “Now I just need a really greasy breakfast to feel right as rain again.”

“Does that really work?” I couldn’t imagine anything worse.

“Your ma has bacon, right?”

I laugh. “Yes, of course, she’s Italian. She has a chef’s kitchen. If there was ever nuclear fallout, we wouldn’t go to Fortress, we’d come here.”

“I think we should go gate crash your ma’s.”

“I think you need to have a shower first,” I say. “Trust me on this.”

She slaps her forehead. “Why are you talking so loud?”

“I’m talking at a completely normal decibel.”

She narrows her eyes. “You had a lot to drink too, and you wake up looking like that?”

“Enzo came and spooned me last night, so I guess I have that little holiday glow about me.” I can’t help it; I have to tell my best friend the good news.

“Spooned you? Is that code for some weird sex act I’m not aware of?”

I sigh with exasperation. “You really do have a one-track mind.”

“So, you guys didn’t do the Paso Doble last night?”

I shake my head. “No, we just… cuddled.”

She snorts. “Cuddled?”

“And no, that’s not code for anything, it’s meanscuddled.”

“Jesus, woman, you had that sex on wheels in your bed and all you did was spoon and cuddle?”

I chuckle. “He left early, duty calls.”

“He left early so your Ma and brother don’t cut his balls off when he gets found out.”