Good, neither am I, but what am I supposed to do? He’s made it clear my brother and his job are far more important.

I’ve thought long and hard about this since our rendezvous, and I know I have to try to get on with my life without him, as much as I don’t want to.

I don’t know how he can be so calm. I know he must feel something, even though his absence and his silence tell me that he isn’t willing to budge on his stance.

And being Mistermoral codeof Boston, he won’t even see me in secret.

Tonight is another classic example of Enzo asserting his protective air over me, but still stays unwilling to break his moral code and have it out with Angelo. Perhaps he is afraid of the ramifications that would surely ensue, that’s if he even has any feelings left.

He’s brushed them all off so far. As well as me.

I don’t see how he can just go on like nothing has happened.

I know at the casino he tried to talk to me, and I gave him the brush off, but what does he seriously expect?

I let him in and gave him my body and a whole lot more that weekend. We both feel the connection that’s been brewing over the years, so how he can keep denying it?

It wasn’t like I was trying to purposefully flirt with every guy in the place and piss him off even further, because all in all, that would be a stupid move. I saw how well that went down with Toby and the guy with his hands on my ass just now.

I suppose I knew that it was never going to end well if anyone got too close to me tonight. Interesting.

He feels it. I know he does. I saw the fire in his eyes when that guy touched me.

I don’t know what it will take for him to want me again, but I’m not certain it’s standing in the middle of Club X, with the disco lights flashing on and off, and a billion people’s sweaty bodies pressed together.

I want it to behisbody, that’s the problem.

On the way out, as we head to The Panic Room, Bianca grabs my arm and pulls me back out of earshot.

“Woah, talk about the green-eyed monster,” she says, shaking her head. “You saw that, right?”

“Saw it, and was on the receiving end of it,” I huff. “Enzo is just here to cramp our style tonight, I’m sure of it.”

“I think it’s a little more than that,” she exclaims.

“How do you mean?”

“The way he looks at you,” she whispers. “He’s got it bad, Val. Would he really push his way onto the dancefloor and practically rip that dude’s arms off, just for the fun of it?”

“He has to, Bianca. He and Rocco will be reporting back to Angelo. They’re in full turbo protect mode. Like supermen on steroids.”

“He didn’t do that because he had to, trust me.”

“Then why is he being such an asswipe?” I mutter to Bianca.

“Because he’s a man?”

“That’s not an excuse for him to behave badly.”

“Or to behave like a stud muffin. God, you’re so ungrateful!” she says, and I can’t help but giggle. “Do you know what I’d give for a hot guy like that to put me over his knee and spank my ass when I talk back, not to mention acting all caveman when another guy so much as looks at me? And looking that hot in a suit? He’s the full package.”

“Now you’re being dramatic,” I sing-song, knowing that all of those things Enzo embodies ten-fold.

“Well, it’s just a pity I have a crush on the big guy,” she says with dramatic flair.

“Rocco?” I stammer. “Oh, please do not go there.”

She grins like a Cheshire Cat, and I know she’ll come onto poor Rocco at least once tonight. Unfortunately, he’s another one who takes his job a little too seriously.