“The fuck you think you’re doing, grabbing my girl like that?” Enzo stalks toward him and shoves him in the shoulder as he stumbles back.

“She still fucking wants me,” Toby leers back, proving that he’s drunker than I thought.

“Toby, stop,” I plead. A part of me in the beginning thought I wanted to show him what he was missing out on, but I certainly didn’t want to make a scene at my friend’s wedding. “Walk away, please,” I try to reason.

“Or what?”

Enzo shoves him again. “You fucking heard the lady. Don’t you so much as even look at her again, you got it?”

“What if I don’t got it?” he says, righting himself and standing tall. “What if she wants this as much as I do, this is what she does, bud.”

I stare at him shocked.

“Don’t push me to do something stupid, dick face. I’m warning you. Walk away. You’ve no fucking clue who you’re messing with.”

“Oooooh, I’m scared.” Toby holds his hands up and waves them around in front of us.

Enzo has blocked me out of the way, but I step to the side. “Toby, for the love of God shut the fuck up. Enzo and I are together now. You need to leave.”

“I’ll leave when I decide to leave!” he shouts at me.

Enzo shakes his head and pulls his arm back, making a fist.

“No!” I grab onto Enzo, who is about to mess up his face. “Please, not at Sarah’s wedding.”

I see Enzo’s jaw tick. Instead, he grabs hold of Toby and shoves him into the wall. At first, I think he’s going to listen to my pleas, but nope, he punches him in face once, twice, then the stomach.

Enzo Russo is a man who won’t be told no.

“I’d slit your throat right now if there weren’t so many witnesses,” I hear him spit angrily.

“Fuck!” Toby wails, clutching his face.

When Toby falls to the ground, Enzo bends down on his haunches, grabs his hair in one hand, and yanks it. “You tell anyone about this,” he growls, “and I will hunt you down and cut your heart out and send it to your parents, you got me now?”

He blinks and nods wildly.

“Call yourself a cab,” Enzo adds, dropping his hold on him, then turns back to me.

I’ve never seen him like this, and so fired up. There’s a dark glint in his eyes which should scare me, but it doesn’t. My hand is literally on my heart as I take deep breaths and try to calm myself.

He grabs my hand and pulls me away.

“He’s so fucking lucky,” Enzo mutters as we retreat. “If this weren’t a fucking wedding, I’d bury him.”

“Oh. My. God, he has lost his marbles,” I breathe. “Enzo, I’m sorry, I…”

“You don’t have to be sorry.” He shakes his head as he turns to me. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. I’m just in shock. He’s not usually like that.”

“This is exactly why I don’t drink,” he mumbles. His eyes flick down to my chest, and I follow his gaze. I realize my dress’s V has come wider apart, and my breasts are very much more on display than they should be. He stops walking.

I quickly close the gap and look up at him. His eyes are hungry as he visibly swallows.

Guests from the wedding come around the corner and he takes my hand and pulls me around to the side of the reception where the coat room is.

He lets go of me as I back up to the wall and flatten my hands against it. Then he’s coming closer, standing over me with his hands on either side of my head.