Page 158 of Fortress of the Soul

I try not to wince as she realizes it hurts. “Oh my God! I’m sorry, Enzo.”

I hold my finger up to her lips. “Don’t ever be sorry, Val. Just love me and be my wife?”

“Yes!” she cries as I hear a commotion at the door. She just practically screamed the entire hospital down. “Of course I love you; I have for so long. But are you sure you’re not just asking me that because you’re high on medication?”

I laugh again and hold my hand to my aching chest. “No, Valentina, I’m not high. Only on the sight of you wanting to be mine.”

“I am yours, Enzo. Always.”

“And I have to get Angelo’s permission before you sky write it.”

She laughs.

I can’t wipe the shit-eating grin off my face. She’s going to be my wife.

Our beautiful dream is already coming true. She beams down at me, and I see the tears start to pool again.

As I look at her, I know we will make it work, and we’ll have everything we both desire in life.

I feel it in my heart, and even more importantly, I feel it in my soul.



We sure learnthow to count our blessings after Enzo survived. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever had to experience.

When he woke up that day in the hospital, I vowed that I’d never take a single moment for granted ever again.

When the person you love is on death’s door, you learn pretty quickly what really matters.

Ever since that day, and the days following, I’ve been very clear about what I want, and what I want is Enzo.

It’s him.

It’s always been him.

It took a lot of time and rehabilitation before he was back on his feet again.

Now as I sit at the Thanksgiving table, I look around and I’ve never felt more love.

Ma sits at the helm. We’ve been going to therapy ever since she came out of the hospital, and while it’s been a slow process, we’re getting back to some kind of normal. And she’s always happiest when she’s cooking. The fact she’s still able to do that makes me so happy.

Enzo and I finally got around to choosing an engagement ring. The square, solitaire, yellow 5ct diamond sits elegantly on my ring finger. It’s absolutely beautiful.

Though, I’d be happy with anything that told the world I belong to him.

Although Thanksgiving is our usual family tradition, we’re also celebrating our engagement too. It’s not often that both sides of the family can get together, so we combined the two.

Everything just fell into place.

I’ve had mixed feelings since the shooting. Knowing that I killed someone, no matter who they were, or how dire the circumstances, it’s been a bitter pill to swallow.

I never thought I’d actually be capable of that, until it came down to kill or be killed.

I guess I really am a Medici through and through.

Enzo saved my life, and I don’t know how I will ever be able to repay him for that, but I know that I will spend every day showing him how much he means to me and how much I love him.