“You’re a tough cookie, you know they mean well.”
“Yes… and they want what’s best for me and all of that. You don’t have to give me the hard sell on any of my brothers.”
I laugh. “Valentina, I’m not giving you the hard sell. You’re doing an amazing job, just remember that.”
“Marco is going to hate my color palette; I have to break the news to him today. Not everything can be dark and gothic like that monstrosity that he lives in.”
“Fair enough,” I chortle. “And you’re a professional, so deliver that to him. I’m sure he will work with you on it. It’s one less headache for him.”
“I wish he would have more faith in me, Enzo.”
Not taking my eyes off her, I shake my head. “Maybe he has more than what you might think?”
She smiles a little wistfully. “You need to stop spouting your insightful wisdom, and put all that energy into my little proposition. It’s going to be a lot of fun… there’s this opulent B&B next to the venue where we’ll be staying. It’s so sweet.”
I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “You’re forgetting, I will be working.”
“You can’t take a little time off from that to relax?” She looks at me under those lashes, and I have to divert my eyes.
“When you relax on the job, Val, that’s when bad things happen.”
She laughs again. “You’re way too serious. This isn’t a job, it’s just looking out for me, and you don’t even need to do that. I’m amongstfriends.”
“Yes, that’s what worries Angelo the most. When you let your guard down.”
“You’re all infuriating, do you know that?” She spins around and stalks over to the coffee machine, flicking it on and opening the top drawer to rummage through the coffee pods.
My attention flicks to her ass. Another luscious, grabbable part of her that now has me sporting a hard on in my boxer briefs. This isn’t good. I pull out a chair and sit down to hide my fucking erection. My mind flicks to that midriff top, sliding it up, until her luscious tits pop out…Jesus.
“Maybe I should just find someone else to go with me.”
I don’t know how that’s going to help her, since I still have to be there. Or maybe she means finding some schmuck to torture me with. I fucking hope not, then I’ll have to rip his throat out. Nobody really wants to see that at a wedding.
“Don’t be like that. I’ll go with you. We’ll sort something out.”
She spins around to look at me, casting those dark baby blues over me. “Even if Angelo won’t like it…”
“Angelo won’t like what?”
Even I jump at the voice booming behind me. Angelo appears at the door with Marco close behind him. I’ve no clue where Rocco has disappeared to.
“Fucking give me a heart attack next time,” I mutter.
He walks over to his sister and gives her a kiss on the side of the head. “What the fuck do you call that outfit?” he says a moment later, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Gym gear, Angelo, get over it. I’m about to get changed for the meeting.”
He rolls his eyes, sitting down at the table. “So, what won’t I like?”
“The fact that I’m going to the Connecticut wedding of my own accord, and I might even take a date.”
“Really?” He raises his eyebrows. “Who? I thought you weren’t seeing anyone.”
I stifle a laugh, and Valentina swiftly glares at me, causing me to quickly shut my mouth.
“I’m going to use and abuse Enzo for the weekend,” she states, turning back to the coffee machine and placing her cup underneath.
Marco almost chokes as he ends the phone call he’s on and rounds the table. “What the fuck are you guys talking about?”