Page 131 of Fortress of the Soul

She folds her arms across her chest. The famous Medici temper raises its head, and I know I’m putting the look she gives me in the spank bank for later. “They were sent to me first. I obviously kept the more specific ones from Angelo, until this Georgie or whoever it is, sent them to him this morning.”

“Valentina, don’t go making things harder for yourself,” Angelo warns, his eyes flicking to mine. “Enzo still has a job to do. Even though bedding my baby sister seems to be high on his agenda, I guess it is easier to protect her that way, right, E?”

I stalk toward Angelo and shove him in the chest, and Marco gets between us again as Valentina steps out of my hold.

“That was a low blow,” I snarl. “Even for you.”

“Cool it,” Marco growls, pushing us apart. “We’ll settle this later. Right now, we’ve got more important things to deal with, like interrogating my secretary.”

Rocco snaps his phone closed, still holding Charlie. “It’s done. Jonas will make sure she’s there when we arrive.”

In the midst of all the fighting and commotion, Rocco stepped out to make the phone call.

“Why is that fucking dog still here?” Angelo gripes. All the anger and frustration seems to be dissipating. Only, I know the tell-tales signs on his face that all this could go from bad to worse. I know all too well how his mind works.

“Because you signed the same contract that I did when I agreed to work for you that he can come with me and be in the office,” Sloane replies, without missing a beat. “He’s my therapy dog.”

“No, he’s fucking Rocco’s therapy dog,” he bites back.

Rocco does look quite at home with the little guy tucked under his arm. “Charlie makes less noise than any fucking human does,” he says, then walks over to Sloane and hands him over. “Duty calls.”

She takes him, and though she doesn't smile, I can see that she doesn’t seem to mind that her dog has taken a shining to Roc. Who’d have thought.

I turn to Valentina. “We need to talk.”

She nods and mouths,I know.

“Marco, you and Rocco will bring the girl to the warehouse. Santino will come too and make sure you’re not followed. I’ve got Darko watching Ma at the hospital, and Fynn and Dante will be there too. Can’t be too careful where threats are concerned,” Angelo goes on. “Me and Enzo will meet you there.”

Marco frowns. “Is that wise? To have you two alone together without a referee?”

Angelo pulls on the lapels of his jacket. “I’m sure we can get there without choking one another.”

I eye him but don’t say anything back, because right now, I may just do that.

“Thank you, Sloane,” Angelo says cordially. “Thank God someone came to work today.”

“Please be careful,” Valentina whispers as the others disperse.

Angelo’s back is turned, so I kiss her chastely. “Did you mean all of that?” I say in her ear. “Yes, of course I did! Did you?”

I grip her chin but don’t proceed to push my luck. “I think you know the answer to that,belladonna.”

“Don’t be hard on him, he loves you, really.”

“Not as much as he loves you. He did just punch me in the face.” I flex my jaw as she cradles my cheek with one hand.

“Stay here and don’t go getting any fancy ideas. I’ll call you later.”

She nods. “Okay.”

I’ve got a good idea what is going to go on in the car, but I don’t want her to worry any more than necessary. It’s intense enough as it is. Hopefully it won’t end in another brawl.

Our confessions to one another still have me reeling, but I have no time to think about that.

Here I was thinking Valentina just wanted to date me, yet she feels exactly the same as I do.

I feel an elation in my chest that wasn’t there before.