Page 129 of Fortress of the Soul

“Tell me!” Angelo barks, dripping in sarcasm at the same time, his gaze back to Enzo.

“You already know the answer, Angelo,” Enzo says calmly. “And while I’m not happy about lying to you, I can’t help how I feel.”

“How fucking noble! You should be asking my permission before you just take what you want. How does this go from fake dating towhatever this is?”He waves a hand between us, and I really want to sock him in the face.

“I love him,” I say, as everyone turns to me. “And what would you have said, Angelo? Give us your blessing? Take him to the warehouse? Forbid him to see me?”

Angelo doesn’t get time to answer. “Angelo, Marco, I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to find out like this. It’s been killing me,” Enzo interrupts. His eyes soften when they meet mine. “We love each other.”

What. The. Fuck?

“Killing you?” Angelo won’t let it go, pointing at him. “Fucking lies, Enzo. You’ve had ample opportunity. I thought you were my brother.”

“I fucking am your brother!” Enzo growls. Even I jump at his intensity. “Believe me when I say, I would fucking die for her, and you know it.”

I want to throw my arms around him, but that will only enrage Angelo more.

I glance at Rocco, and as his eyes meet mine, I see a small tinge of sympathy. I know then and there it wasn’t him. Not that it even matters now.

Angelo doesn’t argue. Of course, he won’t, he knows it’s true too.

“Let’s just all take a breath,” Marco says, letting go of me finally.

The thing is, it doesn’t matter what either of us say, they’ve clearly made up their minds. Here I am again, getting told what I can and can’t do, and now who I can and can’t love.

Yes, I love him too. I am in love with him. I have been for a long time, and I’m not about to stand here and let my brothers rip us apart.

If I could just get them to see.

Suddenly, a flash of black and white scurries across the floor. I glance down and realize it’s Charlie, Sloane’s dog. The little Maltese-Shih tzu that has suddenly taken over the casino and seems to be King of everything he touches. He nudges my leg with his nose and even in the midst of all of this, I bend down to scruff his head.

Then Sloane comes barreling in behind him, looking quite pink in the cheeks and like she’s just ran a marathon. “You guys need to see this,” she says, holding her chest while she catches her breath.

“They’re kinda in the middle of some family business,” Rocco tells her, calling Charlie over to him as he bends down to pick him up.

“No, trust me. You’re really going to want to see this. I’ve got a trace on the messages. It appears to be an inside informant.”

All eyes in the room turn to look at her. Even her fluffy black dog turns his head on the side, like he’s listening too.

“An inside job?” Angelo barks in disbelief.

“Exactly.” She pushes her glasses up and walks over to the table we’re all hovering around.

“Tell us what you know.” Marco nods. “We’ll deal with you two in a minute.”

I roll my eyes, then glance at Enzo. I feel sorry for us in that moment. Neither of us meant to lie, or fall in love, for that matter. Look where it has gotten us.

Everyone is mad. But all I can think about is what Enzo said;we love each other.

My heart floods with so much joy with hearing that, it may actually burst.

That is, until Sloane drops a bombshell.



It takesa moment for my nose and my entire head to stop throbbing to actually listen to what Sloane has just said.