Page 112 of Fortress of the Soul

I’ve never beeninside Enzo’s apartment before. It’s extremely neat, and he doesn’t own much stuff.

Everything he does own, though, reeks of money. He has the best appliances money can buy—right down to his Bugatti kettle and toaster. As I stare up at the projector screen TV, which he tells me is usually covered by a huge tapestry when not in use, it reminds me once again that he is a gadgets kinda guy. It’s something I should have expected, but you never really know how someone lives just from looking at them.

It’s very modern and very masculine. It’s also very personal being here, looking around at the space he lives in and comes home to. It’s extremely sexy.

“You’re very neat, for a guy,” I say, as I run my hand across the marble benchtop of his kitchen. The kitchen cupboards are a charcoal grey. He has downlights sprinkled across the ceiling with a dimmer switch, and muted light grey walls.

“I do my best,” he says with a shrug. “I also pay my cleaning lady quite handsomely.”

I laugh. “I didn’t know you had a cleaning lady.”

“We all have our vices,belladonna. She comes twice a week to make sure I’m on the straight and narrow.”

“Good to see that you are.” I bite my lip as I watch his sexy face. I love seeing him here in his own environment.

“We need discuss things, Val. I can’t go on like this, neither of us can. We have to come clean with Angelo and soon.”

“I agree.”

He raises his eyebrows. “Is this the one thing we’re not going to fight over?”

“I’m definitely not going to fight you on that. I want it more than anything, a chance at a normal relationship with you.”

I brush my knuckles over her cheek. “We have to do it soon. I mean it when I say I feel so guilty around Angelo, I almost told him outright today. I don’t know how much longer I can keep lying to him, Val. It’s not right” Little does she know, I’m now lying to her too by not telling her why she’s really here. The fact that Rocco and Dom have left for the time being doesn’t mean that this is all over. There are still men downstairs around my house, keeping watch.

“Why don’t we wait until Ma is released? Hopefully that might be by the end of the week.”

He contemplates this for a moment and nods. “Yes, I think that sounds like the best idea.”

“What do you think he’s going to say?”

“Is that a trick question?”

Stepping in, I wrap my arms around him. “No, it wasn’t. We haven’t considered the fact he might be okay with the idea, when he gets over the betrayal aspect of it.”

He cocks his head to the side. “You say that like it’s so easy, just get past the betrayal. That’s the most important thing to Angelo, trust, and I’m breaking that on so many levels.”

“I think it’s all going to work out for the best, you’ll see. Once he gets used to the idea.”

“You’re ever the optimist, Valentina. I wish I had your confidence. You’re forgetting that Angelo may very well feed me to the fish, and I’ll end up in pieces in the bottom of the Charles, like all the other martyrs.”

“That’s very dramatic,” I say, pressing my body into his. “You locked the door, right?”

He glances down at me as I reach around to squeeze his butt cheeks. “Of course, I locked the door.”

“And we’re not expecting anyone else for the moment?”

“Not in the immediate future.”

I smile. “Excellent, then I think I need to check out the rest of your apartment and then we take a bath. You have a bath, right?”

He shakes his head and squeezes the bridge of his nose. “A bath?”

“Yes, I need to soak.” I waggle my eyebrows suggestively.Perhaps I shouldn’t be indulging in this, but I don’t really see the harm in having a soak.

“I have a jacuzzi as well as a bath. Up to you what you’d prefer.”

“Ooh, a jacuzzi sounds amazing. I need to bathe, my body aches.” I reach up to kiss him as I hold his face in my hands.