Great, she’s here.

“What else is going on?”

He rubs his chin lightly. “A bit of this and that. Angelo said you wanted me over here to check out the guys you lined up to train for opening night.”

Ah yes, opening night, if we can ever get to that. There will be around-the-clock security in the casino.

“That’s why I need you, Roc. To make sure this crew has what it takes.” I like to have Rocco around for when we do the inductions.

He gives me one of his looks and the corner of his mouth turns up, almost like he wants to smile. “That’s not code for beating anyone up… at least not on the premises,” I add.

That statement actually does make him smile. “As you wish.”

“Now, I have to go find some decent coffee before meeting with Marco.”

“Fine by me.” He shrugs and continues to watch the world go by, leaning on the railing.

I saunter off to find coffee in the kitchenette area next to Marco’s office. It’s then I hear a heated discussion taking place.

“I need the contractors here by noon, just like we discussed…. you know what my brother is like; I can’t mess up on this, not for one second. They’re like sniffer dogs who can smell fear,” Valentina says.

I stop short of the door to listen in for a moment. She’s on the phone, and Marco appears to be nowhere in sight.

“Send me the contact, I'll call him myself… yes… yes, I know that. I have that all teed up for tomorrow…” There’s a pause as her assistant, or whoever it is she’s talking to, says something. “They’re all waiting for me to screw up, Bianca, at least that’s what it feels like. I need to show them that’s not true, so we have to up our game….”

I feel like a bit of a stalker, but I don’t exactly want to interrupt and burst her little bubble, and it’s also slightly fascinating listening to her banter.

“...What?” Her voice quietens. “What about Enzo?”

My eyebrows raise.What the fuck are they talking about me for?

“I haven’t seen him since we spokeyesterday, but I’m sure he’s roaming around here somewhere. Why are you bothering me about that?” She laughs then, and it’s such a sweet sound. “Well, I’ve had a few thoughts, but I can’t think about that right now. I’ve too much to do.”

A few thoughts about what?Not this whole boyfriend business thing again. I knew she wouldn’t quit until she beat me into submission.

And thinking along those terms… why the fuck does that thought make me feel a little wild?

I decide to enter the room and show her I’m there, before she says anything else that stirs me in ways it shouldn’t.

Rapping my knuckles loudly on the open door, I walk in. She spins around to look at me and my eyes can’t help themselves as they trail down her body. Fucking hell, Valentina.

She’s wearing skintight, camel-colored leggings and a very tight long-sleeved midriff top in the same color. As it’s cropped, it shows off her very toned stomach.

I glance momentarily at her impressive rack, and then up to her eyes.

She’s smiling and quickly dismisses her assistant, hanging up with one of those long, perfectly manicured nails.

“Enzo.” She clears her throat and places her phone on the table, her hands resting on her hips. “I’ve got a bone to pick with you.”

Fucking great, it’s one surprise after another around here. “What have I done now?”

I’m trying not to focus on her form-fitting outfit, as I struggle to keep my eyes on hers. I’m also trying to control the fact my dick has decided to come to life.

Fucking great.I’m getting stiff over my best friend’s sister.

“You know when a girl asks you to go somewhere as her date, it’s polite to at least act a little bit excited about it, not run for the hills.”

My mouth twitches. “I ran for the hills?” I rub my chin, trying to remember the last time I ran anywhere, other than at the gym.