Page 108 of Fortress of the Soul

“How do you know that?”

“Sloane hacked into his phone. He sent texts to Valentina that were not pleasant, and I paid him a visit.”

He turns and points in my face. “You kept all this to yourself?”

“No,” I say. “I’m here, aren’t I? This all happened today, and you’ve been at the hospital. I wanted to make sure your Ma was okay before I brought all this to your attention.”

“I want you to go through Valentina’s security tapes at her office. I want every single person who has walked through that door in the last three months tracked down.”

I nod. “Of course. How do you want to proceed?”

“What is Sloane doing?”

“She’s trying to trace the caller ID.”

He looks satisfied with that answer, but I know he wants Vaughn.

“You should have told me sooner.”

“Believe me, I wanted to, but I had to make sure that Toby wasn’t involved first.”

He side eyes me. “I forgot how fucking ruthless you can be.”

“I didn’t slit his throat, so clearly, I’m not you.”

“Did you make him bleed?”

I smile. “Yes.” Then I swallow hard. “There’s something else I need to—”

Angelo’s phone rings, and he pulls it out of his back pocket, immediately answering it.

“What?” he barks.

I close my eyes momentarily.

He listens and then says, “I want you to tell Valentina she’s coming to Fortress…” He stops, then looks up at me. “Scrap that, Darko, she’s going to Enzo’s place. And I want guards at every door, window, outhouse, and doghouse around the property, understand?” He hangs up abruptly.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. This isn’t good.

“What?” Angelo says, as I open my eyes and face him. “She’s better off with you than cooped up here.”

“What if they know where I live?”

“There are too many guards around the property to worry, and it’ll keep her out of any business we have here. You know I don’t like the girls being here for an extended period of time.”

“They’re safer here,she’ssafer here…”

“You know I can’t be here twenty-four seven, neither can you. In fact, that’s an excellent idea; clear your schedule, E. You’re on full time bodyguard duty until further notice.”

This is exactly what I don’t want, forced proximity when I need to get to the bottom of this.

“If I’m with her full time, then how can I useful to find out who the fuck is behind this?”

“You’ll switch with Rocco and Santino if it means that much to you, but nobody watches her like you do. I’ve seen you. You’ll guard her with your life.”

Guilt creeps up from my toes all the way to my stomach.

He pats me on both sides of my shoulders, like he’s giving me a pep talk.