Page 107 of Fortress of the Soul

“Unfortunately so. It involves Valentina.”

“What? Is she okay?”

“Yes, she’s okay. I’ll tell you more when I get there.” We click off. Angelo’s phone is scrambled, and so is mine, but I never want to discuss these matters across phone waves. It’s just too risky.

I feel the pressure as I key in the code for the gate when I arrive at Fortress.

I can’t honestly say I’ve felt good since we got back from the wedding. A part of me wishes we could have stayed there, in fucking Connecticut, in our own little bubble.

It was a slice of heaven, or so I thought until I got those photos.

As I pull in, Angelo is waiting for me out front; something he never does.

I pull on the lapels of my suit jacket as I get out of the car.

I need to tell him about me and Valentina

I’ll spare him the photos of us in several passionate embraces, and just send him the ones of us dancing and talking and explain this extortion attempt first

Fuck. This is such a mess.

I run a hand through my hair.

“Enzo?” His eyes are alert and ready for anything as he approaches me.

I give him a chin lift as I pull out my phone. “There’s been a threat on Valentina,” I say, as calmly as I can.

“What? Where is she?”

“She’s safe, Dom and Rocco are around at the barn.”

“What the fuck happened?”

“Let’s go inside.” Though Fortress is just that, afortress,it isn’t safe for Angelo to just be standing out front without a piece on him.

I follow him inside, his stance rigid as he turns to look at me.

“I’ll send you the texts,” I say quietly.

When he scrolls through the photos and reads them, he looks back up at me.

“They took pictures of you in Connecticut?”

“So it seems.”

He begins to pace. “And now they want a million dollars?”

I nod. “I had Sloane check it out…”

“Wait, you hadSloanecheck it out?”

“No, I had her look into Toby. He was at the wedding, and I roughed him up.”

I realize, as I’m telling him all this, the web that has been woven.

“You roughed him up? Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

“It wasn’t a big deal, he was drunk,” I say. “I put him in his place, and that was the end of it. Or so I thought. When I got the photos, I didn’t get the ransom until an hour ago. That’s why I’m telling you now, because it wasn’t Toby.”