Page 100 of Fortress of the Soul

“I’m not going to fucking hurt you, I’m not like that asshole,” I assure her. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

“R-Rachel,” she stammers, not knowing which way this is going to go at all.

“Rachel, you need to forget this asshole, got me? Delete his number. Forget you ever saw him. He’s a nasty piece of work and quite frankly, I think you can do much better.”

She nods her head, bewildered and still scared to death that I’m going to do something.

“W-what did he do?” she asks me.

Brave little bird.

“He pissed me off, Rachel. He upset someone very important to me with his nasty words, and that’s not acceptable in my book.”

“He can be a bit of an asshole,” she says so quietly, I can barely hear her.

“Sometimes the good guys who look squeaky clean are the assholes you have to worry about, do you understand?”

She nods again.

I reach into my pocket and pull out my card and hold it out of the window. “Take this. And adhere to my warning, stay away from him. If he bothers you ever again, call me. I’ll be happy to come to some arrangement.”

She takes the card and glances down at it. It’s my P.I. card I still use from time to time.

Her eyes go round like saucers when she reads it. “Thanks,” she says, tucking into her jacket pocket.

“Now get gone.” I nod. I need to get to Valentina and have a very important discussion with her about why she didn’t fucking tell me the truth.

She does as I say and scurries off faster than her legs will carry her.

I take off again at full speed and turn my music up.

That went better than I expected. I didn’t spill too much blood, and I think I finally put an end to his bullshit with Toby fuckface.

As soon as I hit the freeway, I put the engine into full throttle and stretch my baby’s legs. I love nothing more than to get out on the open road and give my car hell. The freeway isn’t the best place to do this, of course, but I need to let off some steam.

I dial Valentina on my way over to her end of town, though I’m not even sure if she’s at home, at her office, or the hospital.

“Enz,” she answers so sweetly and so delightfully, I have to rein my anger. I also have to remember that her mother is lying in a hospital bed, so I don’t want to be a complete asshole.

“Where are you, baby?” I ask her.

“I’m just heading home to shower and change; I’ve been at the hospital for a few hours.”

“How’s your mama?”

She sighs, and my heart literally constricts. It’s so fucking hard to be mad at her. “She’s doing much better today; she had some color in her cheeks, at least. She could be in for a while longer yet, and we should have her test results back later on.”

“That’s good news, Val, I’m heading over, so I’ll meet you at the barn and we’ll talk. We can go back to the hospital later, all right?”

“All right, I’ll see you soon. Thanks for checking on me.”

I grin. Even though I’m mad at her, this is what she fucking does to me. She can turn it all around so damned easily. “You know I’ll always do that, baby. See you in fifteen.”

I hang up and turn up the volume, speeding all the way to her place.

As I kill the engine when I pull up to the front of her door, I read a text on my phone that came while I was driving.

It’s from the blocked number.