He howls, and I don’t blame him because I heard the crack too.

“FUCK!” he screams. “You broke my fucking nose!” He bends forward as blood comes spurting out over the carpet.

“That’s not all I’ll break if you don’t fucking come clean with me.”

“I’m telling the truth!” he yells.

“Second question, and think carefully before you answer this one too…. do you really think Valentina is a stupid slut? Because those were your words, weren’t they?”

I reach forward and shove him in the chest. The idiot then actually tries to take a swing at me. I dodge it easily and grab his arm, spinning his body around and holding his arm behind his back. I pull tightly and he howls.

“You’re not very smart, are you?” I mutter.

“What the hell do you expect, you broke into my house… and broke my nose…”

“Again, that’s not all I’ll break if you try that again.” I pull tighter on his arm until he screams in pain. I release him and throw him onto the bed, and leaning over him, I punch him again in the face. “Now, let’s try it again. DO YOU THINK VALENTINA IS A STUPID SLUT?” I become enraged even saying the words.

“No, no,” he stammers. “Of course not. Like I said, I was drunk.”

“And you had nothing to do with sending me photos of Valentina and I together?”

“I told you I had nothing to do with that.”

I take another swing, and I see bruise already forming above his eye. Good, I wanted to rearrange his annoying face, that was my whole aim of this trip.

“Don’t fucking get cocky with me, asshole. You’re lucky you’re still breathing. Now, I’ve said it once before, and I fucking won’t say it again. LEAVE VALENTINA ALONE. Don’t even fucking think about contacting her again. I will find you like I did this time, and I will fucking feed you to the fish like I promised.”

“I, I won’t do it again ….”

“And I assume you’re deeply sorry for what you said?”

He stares at me from his bleeding position on the bed, and I tilt my head to the side.

“Yes, I’m sorry, okay. I’M FUCKING SORRY!”

“That’s good. You see, it works so much better when we’re on the same page with things. Sometimes things have to get a little messy to work themselves out, wouldn’t you agree?”

He nods his head. Good, compliant at last.

I know he’s seething and also scared. I want to blow his head off, and while I consider killing him another way, I know it’ll be a fucking mess for the feds to clear up and then I’ll have Angelo on my back about it.

He’s not worth it. These trust fund assholes never are.

And if he does so much as sneeze in her direction, I’ll tie him up at the warehouse and take turns with Rocco on torturing him. I’m pretty certain this is just the right amount of fear that I’ve now instilled in him that he won’t try anything again.

“I’m glad I’ve made myself clear. Now asshole, you need to clean yourself up. You’re making me feel sick.”

He says nothing, which satisfies me a great deal, and I back away to the doorway without taking my eyes off him. I very much doubt he has any weapons; he wouldn’t even know how to use one.

I turn on my heel and walk back out the way I came in, slamming the door behind me.

Climbing into my car, I turn on the ignition, rev the engine loudly, and back on out of the driveway, feeling a lot more accomplished than I did half an hour ago.

As I drive down his street and turn onto the next, I see the girl hurrying along, still dazed and smoking a cigarette at an extremely rapid speed.

I pull over and wind the window down. She glances over at me, and her eyes go wide.

“Please, please, don’t hurt me,” she says, standing there like a scared bird as she stamps her cigarette out on the ground.