Page 135 of Fortress of the Soul

I close my eyes and pray that this is some kind of misunderstanding.

I don’t even try to mistake the thoughts running around in my head that if she is responsible, they will kill her without hesitation. A betrayal on the Medicis is like the kiss of death.

It’s all such a crazy notion. I get why Enzo didn’t tell me the whole truth, but I’m pissed at him about it. He should be able to tell me these things, like if a threat has been made against me. I suppose he was trying to handle it himself and keep me safe at the same time, but all of it has blown up to this complete mess we’re now facing.

I’m mafia. I understand it and my role in this family, and it makes me feel small when he thinks I don’t get it or how it works.

“I can’t even say the words,” I say quietly at her question.

Bianca gasps.

There’s no point sugar-coating it around them.

“You know, I’ve been in that interrogation chair,” Sloane says thoughtfully, cuddling her dog who is lapping it up. “And it ain't so grand, especially with Rocco. He’s one intense dude.”

She swallows hard, and for a second I can’t guess if she means she didn’t like it…or she did.

I forgot for a moment that Sloane was inadvertently involved in the whole Rayne saga, and she was the one who encrypted the communication lines between the kidnapper and Rayne without knowing any of the details.

In the end, she confessed all when she realized what she had become involved in. It has certainly seemed as though it’s opened her eyes to the pitfalls of working for anonymous counterparts.

“You got interrogated by Rocco?” I didn’t think Bianca’s eyes could get any wider, but they actually do.

I want to face palm myself.

Sloane is pensive when she answers. “It really wasn’t so bad. I mean, he didn’t hurt me. He just…talked… asked me questions, that kind of thing. I was cooperative, and scared out of my wits, quite rightly. I had no idea that I was helping someone try and kill Angelo. All I did was scramble the phone lines and set up firewalls so the caller couldn’t be traced. As soon as I saw the news bulletin—with the Angelo fiasco—I realized what was going on and I stopped all communication. I went into hiding. I was scared.”

“That must have been some trip,” Bianca says, agog.

“It was,” she agrees.

“No, I mean, having Rocco tie you up. He’s so hot.”

My eyes go round. “Bianca!”

Sloane bites her lip and smiles, and if I’m not mistaken, a faint blush rises in her cheeks.

“He is definitely easy on the eyes,” she admits. “But I still hate him for tying me up, even if he was the nicest torturer I’ve ever met. At the time, I was only thinking about how I was going to get out of it and what would happen to Charlie if things went south.”

I guffaw into my coffee, almost choking. “Jesus Christ, Sloane, and you still wanted to work for us?”

She shrugs. “I could see that they weren’t really the bad guys. I can understand it on some level. Like, I get that they thought I had something to do with the Angelo situation. They’re mafia, and I got involved in something that ended up way over my head.”

She’s so nonchalant that I stare at her in awe.

“One things for sure, Rocco has a bit of a thing,” Bianca goes on, giving me a knowing look.

Sloane frowns. “What do you mean?”

I roll my lips. Truly, I’ve known Rocco a very long time, and I’ve never seen him act any other way except like a soldier.

Stoic. Quiet. Reserved.

He may, out of nowhere, have the occasional wise crack, but that’s few and far between.

I have never seen him play with a dog. I have never seen him look at someone the way he does her, and I have certainly never seen him hang around the office so much.

I’m beginning to think Bianca has a point.