Page 116 of Fortress of the Soul

Me: Godzilla on steroids.

Bianca: This is so not fair. No wonder you’re wide awake, you’re split in two by his giant dick.

Me: *laughing emoji* you are insane.

Bianca: I’m about to go to heaven myself… I’m watching supernatural, move over Dean and Sam,hello daddy

Me: Geoffrey Dean Morgan as their dad? Who thought of that?

Bianca: Some genius. Gtg BOB is calling.

I laugh again, turning to look at Enzo again. He hasn’t moved.

Me: Love you babes, night x

Bianca: Right back at ya x

I snuggle back down under the covers.

Enzo was right. It does feel a little sneaky what we’re doing. Sneaking around like we’re ashamed of ourselves. Angelo may be my brother and the mob boss around here, but he’s not the boss of me. He may think he is, but he’s sadly mistaken.

I watch Enzo in his sleep. He’s facing me, his arms stretched out toward me, one hand over my belly as I curl one hand over his bicep to slowly caress his skin.

“I love you,”I whisper. “I always have, Enzo. I always will.”

I close my eyes and fall into the deepest sleep I’ve ever had, but when I wake suddenly in the night with a jolt, my heart races as I sit up in bed. Enzo is still in the same position and hasn’t moved; he sleeps like a log.

Something rattles around in my brain over and over. A warning. A definite premonition.

Something’s coming.

I hug myself as I try to slow my heart rate.

A second later, Enzo reaches up and pulls me into his arms, my back to his front. He kisses my hair in his sleep and calls mebelladonna.

Even though I feel safe, and I know nothing is coming tonight, I can’t fight this helpless feeling that something is lurking, so terrible and so shocking, that nobody will see it coming.

I don’t know why.

Instinct, I guess.

I close my eyes again, but sleep doesn’t come.

In its place is my beating heart and the man I love wrapped around me. Two out of three ain’t bad.



“What are you saying?”I frown as Sloane pushes her glasses up her nose.

Charlie is on my knee, since he won’t leave me alone, and I’ve learned it’s best not to ignore him, or you’ll get a loud ‘woof’ in your face until you give him a pat. Lucky for the both of us, I brought a handful of dog biscuits in my trouser pocket, and he seems occupied for the time being. He also doesn’t shed like Ruby does, thank goodness for that.

“I’m saying that I’m trying to get around certain communications to unscramble the number. Whoever sent this knows what they’re doing, or they have a very good software program. My best bet is to try and get a location on the photos, so I can bounce off certain satellites at the time the photo was taken, as I know the location was Connecticut.”

I stare at her. “You’re fucking amazing. I’m sure Vaughn won’t be happy about it.”

“He’s already called me.” She rolls her eyes.