It’s a small boutique hotel that’s being refurbished on the harbor. It’ll be the perfect kickstart to branch out from under my brothers’ reign.

I love them dearly, and they’ve done a lot for me to help get my business off the ground, and for that, I’m grateful. But it hasn’t escaped me how I’m now at Marco’s beck and call, as well as his watchful eye. They never let me have any breathing room.

I sip the wine, and when the bath is full, I strip off my clothes, tie up my hair, and slide in under the suds. There’s nothing quite like a hot bath at the end of a long day to take the edge off. My muscles are also sore from the spin class I did this morning, and from sitting at my desk for most of the day. At least tomorrow I’ll be at the casino overseeing and planning a layout for color selection with Marco.

I know he has a vision, and while I respect that, it doesn’t always mean he’s right. But trying to tell any Medici man that they’re wrong is entirely hilarious. Not like Enzo.

Ah, Enzo.

I smile to myself when I think about our little chat this morning, and maybe I did take a few liberties, but how can anyone blame me?

Fuck, he looked good.

I mean, I’ve always known he looks good, I’m not blind. But after Bianca’s comments, I’m much more aware of it.

His light brown hair and how it hangs just slightly over his eyes, pretty eyes at that. Hazel with little flecks of gold.

And that face. He’s grown a five o’clock shadow, which looks sexy on him, no longer the boy next door. Bianca isn’t too far wrong when she refers to him as sex on a stick.

It’s not like I haven’t thought of him that way before. I have, for many years, as a hormonal teenager with a huge crush, but something changed in the way that I saw him today. I can’t even explain it.

A part of me tells me it’s wrong to look at him that way, but another part of me doesn’t actually care. Just because he’s been somewhat of a brother figure in my life, doesn’t make him my actual brother. Oh, he’s far from that.

The way he smells, so manly with a hint of musk, it makes me a little heated just thinking about it. Thinking abouthim.

I smile to myself as I sip my wine.

My brothers would have a fit, Angelo would have a coronary. It’s one thing being a little girl and having a crush on your brother's best friend, but it’s entirely another being a grown woman and thinking about what it would be like to touch him, feel him, and have his beautiful lips on me. All over me. It’s enough to make a grown woman cry.

It’s not even the fact that it is a little east of forbidden; Enzo wouldn’t be a bad match, he’s a good guy. His last relationship was a few years ago and though I know he’s not dating right now, I wasn’t kidding when I told Bianca he could have any woman he wanted.

But I do wonder if he would ever see me as anything but his best friend’s little sister. He’s been around through every phase of my life, even those awkward teenage years.

Maybe part of the excitement is thinking about the taboo aspect of it, but why should it be that way? Because Angelo Medici says so? And of course, Marco would always back him up.

You couldn’t find a nicer guy than Enzo.

Maybe it’s the fact Angelo doesn’t want to see me withanyguy and seems happy to live in la-la land where he thinks I’m safe and protected and will remain a virgin forever; which I’m certainly not.

Still, going to the wedding has me feeling excited. Despite what Enzo said, my friends aren’t bad people. But in that crowd, status is everything.

The thought of having Enzo there with me all weekend fires up my insides and makes me feel warm. Warm all over. Warm in places it shouldn’t.

I know he will look after me and do what he is supposed to, but he seemed pretty firm on not being my fake date. Maybe with a little cohesion, I can make him see my side.

It’s not the fact that I have Enzo wrapped around my little finger; he is his own free man and has always done things the way he wants them, even for Angelo. He agrees to things, but he gets them done in the way he knows how and how it works best, and no one questions him on that.

The thought of seeing Toby again fills me with dread. I really loved him. I thought we were going places, but he wanted to be free to stick his dick in whom ever he pleased and travel the world.

Now he’s some hot-shot marketing executive, something I have a hard time believing. One thing’s for sure, the lure of making him see what he missed out on is overtaking my every thought.

I should behave. But I’ve never felt lonelier or more deprived in my entire life.

For one, I know for a fact there could be no other reason I want to touch myself tonight and picture Enzo’s face while I’m doing it, other than deprivation.

I haven’t been with anyone since Toby. Secondly, Enzo has been right under my nose the whole time and I haven’t thought about jumping his bones since summer camp when all the girls were crushing on him. There is no reason to be thinking it now, yet I can’t seem to stop.

I’m in need of a good night’s sleep, and Bianca is right, I really, really need to get laid.