Page 64 of Can We Fake It?

It’s like a trance. The feeling is akin to floating on water, letting the waves guide me while the sun keeps me energized.

When I finally stop to rest, the sun is already beginning to set, the sky tinted with hues of reds, yellows, and oranges. The food beside me is gone, and the colors on the painting make more sense than they did a week ago.

I step back and admire my work, a calm feeling suffusing me.

“Wish you were here to see this, Dad.”

With a sad smile, I take the brush again and go back to work, never wanting to lose the trance I’m in.


“Nearly there, miss. Just around this corner,” Jonathan tells me as the car circles around, and I look up from my phone to see the museum up ahead. Jonathan parks the car just across the main entrance, and I step out of the car nervously.

It’s out of character for my father to call me in when I’m still working. Usually, he’d wait after I’m done with the day’s deals, and we’d talk over dinner at our favorite restaurants. So whatever he has to say right now, it’s something really important to him.

Before I can walk to the entrance, Jonathan lowers the car window and sticks his head out.

“Would you want me to wait for you and Mr. Allair?” he inquires.

“No. You can take a short break first. We’ll probably be out in time for our scheduled dinner,” I tell him. I wave goodbye as I cross the street and head for the museum.

At this time of day, Musée du Allair is bustling with art enthusiasts and art students alike. There are also couples trying to get into the arts or pretending to have a good time for the sake of aesthetic photos on Instagram.

I smile in amusement as I tear my gaze from the visitors. Nodding at the museum guides as I step into the lobby, I march toward the elevators on the left side and shoot Papá a message, telling him I’m here.

I get off on the office floor, then hurriedly make my way towards the executive’s office. My father’s secretary comes out of the room and greets me on the way.

“Here for Mr. Allair, ma’am?” Xavier inquires, holding a cup of coffee in his hand. “He just finished a call with a big shot abroad. Seems like he called you in for that.”

“I do recall him telling me something along those lines,” I explain to him. “Thank you for the heads up, Xavier.”

“My pleasure, ma’am. Would you like some coffee as well? I’m actually on my way to refill Mr. Allair’s cup.”

I shake my head. “No need. Coffee ruins my appetite, so I try not to drink it before dinner.”

“Very well. Best not to keep Mr. Allair waiting,” he comments as he walks away.

I approach my father’s office and knock twice before entering.

“Papa, I’m here,” I greet, going over to his desk. I lean over to kiss his cheek, and he smiles in reply, motioning for me to take a seat.

“You called me over despite my busy schedule,” I begin as I sit down. “What’s the rush, Papa?”

“First, I’d like to ask about your deal in the other branch. I trust that everything went well?” he asks instead, even though he’s the one who said we’d talk about that sale over dinner.

“Yeah,” I answer, matching his relaxed demeanor. “Although the customer was relentless. How could she insist that something of that quality be paid more than it’s worth?”

Papa leans back in his chair. “But you managed to close the deal. For how much? I’d say €406,500?”

“Lower. €340,900,” I sigh, easing into my chair. “It was supposed to be lower than that, given how the artwork wasn’t of high standard at all.”

My father chuckles, tapping his finger on his desk. “Ididteach you right, Jenny. And I’m proud you didn’t yield to her.”

I beam, feeling shy at his praise. “Thank you, Papa. I’ll continue to do my best.”

“That’s great! Because I have a new project, and I need your expert skills in making this dream of mine a reality.”

There it is.