Page 37 of Can We Fake It?

I search the room for somewhere to look, something to do. My eyes land on the remote, and I grab it and flip through channels at the speed of sound. Almost as if I have a world record to defend.

“Should we go back to Tio’s?” He sits at the foot of the bed, now clothed. “I’ve been dreaming of those frozen margaritas.”

My eyes stay glued to the TV screen. He’s barely in my line of vision, but I wish I couldn't see him at all.

“Earth to Jada.” He taps the bed with one hand.

“Mexican sounds great,” I say through my cardboard mouth.

“Whenever you’re ready.”

Tio’s is just as lively as ever. Its warm wood accents feel even cozier as we tuck into our deconstructed taco platters. When I can’t swallow anymore food, I pick up my phone from the table.

“Let’s see what's on the resort app today,” I say.

Carter looks defeated by his own platter and pushes it to the side. He grabs his own phone and starts to scroll.

“Are you up for a beginners dance class? There's one in an hour. Ballroom.”

His smile is vague when he looks at me. “Sure, let's try that. But only if we're both beginners and no one has the upper hand.”

“I’m pretty sure I don’t have anydance awards stashed away in a closet.”

“Great. I’m done here. Wanna wait out the hour by the fireplace lounge?”

“Yes, please. My stomach is crying for me to recline before it pops.”

He chuckles. “Mine too.”

I grab one more tortilla chip and stand up. Carter raises an eyebrow at me as he stands too.

“What?” I say with a shrug. “It’s for the road.”

At first we sit in front of the fire in relative silence. Our backs are up against separate ends of a plush sofa. I pull a square ottoman with my feet and prop them up on it.

“Hey, where is his?”

“His what?” I say.

“Hers,” he says, and he points a forefinger at the ottoman. “Now you need to find one for the groom.”

My abdomen clenches when I let out a soft laugh. I turn my head to look at him. The gigantic fireplace bathes his face in a warm glow and occasional shadows.

He smiles at me then, a smile warmer than the heat from the nearby flame. A smile which replaces the tight feeling of overindulgence in my tummy with jumping popcorn.

Emboldened, I push the ottoman a bit towards him. His legs are long enough that I don't need to move it too much for him to reach.

“The groom could get up and find his own…or we could share.”

His eyes drop down just long enough for him to bring his feet up to rest with mine. Then they are back on my face.

“Now why didn’t you put this part into your vows?”

“Which part?” I ask with a gulp.

“Where you promise to always share footrests with me.”

My lips spread and a light wisp of air escapes from my nose.