Page 33 of Can We Fake It?

“So, what’s next on the agenda?” she asks, pulling the resort’s activity schedule over from across the table. “There’s horseback riding, snorkeling, dance lessons. Ooo! There’s couples yoga in about an hour. Want to go?”

“Uh…” I start, but the look of excitement on her face makes it impossible to say no. “Sure!”

We slowly get ready and head to the studio where the class is taking place. I’m not the most flexible person in the class, not by a long shot, but even I enjoy a good stretch.

We take turns laying over each other’s back in child’s pose, leaning back to back in half-lotus, and keeping each other steady in warrior two. None of these names meant anything to me before, but feeling the rise and fall of Jada’s breath and matching mine to follow her, letting my body weight rest against her, grasping her hand and looking into her eyes – all these things leave me feeling relaxed and grounded.

Maybe this couple’s yoga wasn’t such a bad idea after all, I think as the teacher ends the class. Besides, between the massage and the yoga, my neck is feeling great by the time we’re done and I have to admit to Jada I actually enjoyed myself.

“Want to go for a walk along the water?” I ask as we’re leaving the class.

“You read my mind,” she says back, smiling.

As if by instinct, I take her hand as we make our way down to a secluded section of the beach. Her skin feels soft and warm and every so often my fingers brush against her wedding and engagement rings. Somehow the feeling of them makes my chest swell a little.

I know this isn’t part of the ruse anymore – no one is watching – but it feels nice and I decide not to overthink it.

“I have one more surprise for you,” I tell Jada, turning to her with a grin as we approach the water’s edge. The warm sun warms my skin, and as she turns to look at me I see the ocean reflected in Jada’s dark brown eyes.

“Oh my God, another one?” she asks, a giggle playing on the edge of her words.

“I can’t guarantee it’s the last,” I tease and point out to the water. “I thought you might like a catamaran cruise at sunset, so I booked one for today.”

When I look back at Jada, she’s not staring out at the ocean, but at me, and in an instant, she’s throwing her arms around me, pressing her body into mine with unbridled excitement.

“Oh my God, Carter, thank you!” she cries, pulling back to look at me. I can see how happy she is, and it makes me grin from ear to ear. I never knew making someone else this happy would bring me so much joy of my own.

“Well, we’d better get going,” I tell her, glancing at my watch.

Jada nods excitedly, and we make our way to the pier just in time to be welcomed aboard the catamaran.

It’s a private cruise and while the captain is busy steering the boat, Jada and I stand together, gazing out at the beautiful vast ocean. The sky begins to turn pink, then orange, then a deep purple and as the light turns the water into a sea of color, I can’t help but put my arms around Jada’s waist and snuggle up behind her. I feel her lean into me and my whole body is flooded with the most indescribable joy.

Sharing this moment with her feels perfect and over her shoulder I can see her gazing blissfully at the horizon, her beautiful dark skin glowing golden in the light of the setting sun.

“This is so beautiful,” she mutters, her eyes never leaving the water.

I can’t help but gaze down at her though, and I wrap my arms closer around her, feeling full with how happy I’ve been able to make her with something so simple.

“Gorgeous,” I say, but whether she knows it or not, I’m not talking about the sunset.



We enjoy our dinner on the boat, watching the sunset along the water line, which reminds me of the first time we went swimming together. The sunset we watched back then was beautiful, but this one is breathtaking. We pour ourselves some champagne, and toast to a wonderful time together at the resort.

I’m still shocked by everything he’s surprised me with on our ‘honeymoon.’ Not only has everything been beyond what I ever imagined I’d have for my honeymoon, but everything has just been fun to do with Carter. Earlier when he held me in his arms as we watched the sky, I felt my stomach churning again. I’m starting to wonder if maybe I might actually be enjoying Carter’s company more than a normal friend might.

I don’t say anything to him, though, instead opting to enjoy the rest of our ride on the catamaran.

We dock after the sun has set completely, night now engulfing our surroundings. Carter helps me get out of the boat onto the dock, holding out his hand for me to take. I don’t know if he notices that I don’t let go of his hand as we begin to head back to the room. I don’t make it obvious, and I don’t dislike it at all.

I had such an incredible, romantic, and fun day. I’m smiling without realizing it, but God I am exhausted. I look forward to collapsing into the bed and immediately passing out. We walk in silence back to the room, and once the door is closed, I turn to Carter.

“You should share the bed with me,” I insist. At his confusion, I continue. “Look, it’s not that big of a deal, okay? There’s plenty of room, and if you’re gonna keep up with me and my hip young energy, you’re gonna need to sleep in the bed. Besides, we’re adults, so it’s fine.”

Carter thinks on it, his thumb and forefinger holding his chin, the forefinger rubbing against his skin. “Hmmm,” he hums out.