Page 19 of Can We Fake It?

“Got it.”

I turn around to make Carter a glass of water. I can’t help but smile, biting my lower lip like a cliché. But I don’t care. He really is great.

Once my break starts, another bartender comes to take my spot, and I have Carter follow me. I figure I can show him around a little bit more.

“So, before we go to dinner, wanna see more of the resort?” I look up at him, and he nods, gesturing for me to lead the way so he’ll follow.

I decide to take him in a circle, pointing out the different restaurants as we go, the different spa areas, the large gym, and more. Carter asks a couple of questions, like the most popular places in the resort, how long certain parts have been there, and my favorite spaces.

I don’t remember the last time I was asked about my favorite resort spot, and it makes me want to look back up at him to really admire the kind of person Carter is. His care for details, and the way that he pays such meticulous attention when it comes to me or those around him confuses me.

How has no one worked out for him in all the time his mom has been telling him to go on dates? He’s actually a really nice guy, and even though it’s all fake dating, I’m still glad that I’ve met Carter.

“So, where do you wanna eat?” I ask him as we finish our lap. “In the mood for anything in particular?”

He touches his thumb and forefinger to his face and thinks. “You know what I’ve been craving? Mexican.”

I laugh. “That’s what I was thinking, too. Yeah, let’s go to Tio’s Tacos, it’s my favorite place for margaritas and tacos. Have you been yet?”

Carter shakes his head, so I grab his hand and lead the way. I get us seated quickly, and I start pointing out things on the menu that I enjoy most.

“The strawberry margarita is good, but have you ever had a frozen key lime margarita?”

When Carter shakes his head, I get giddy.

When the server comes over, I order us two frozen margaritas and some chips with salsa and queso.

Carter and I begin talking about the little things. Mostly he asks me about the resort and how I enjoy it here. Likewise, I ask him about how his work is going, and we flow through easy conversation.

I think again how much I reallylikeCarter. Not in a romantic sense, but in a sense of he’s a good guy. He doesn’t make me feel like all he cares about is himself, and the questions he asks show me he actually wants to know the answers.

I actually tell him stories about my childhood and how, despite how I might talk about them, I genuinely love my parents. Having them on my case to find a man is all that I really feel frustrated with them about.

“They’re good people. That’s never been up for debate with me. I love my parents, but the whole ‘I need a man’ thing has really made being around them difficult. I mean the fact I had to bring you there and have you win them over when I’m an adult is kind of frustrating. I know it sounds like I’m looking a gift horse in the mouth –”

“No, it doesn’t,” Carter interrupts, putting his hand on top of one of mine. “Nothing about what you’ve said makes me think any of that.”

I look down at our hands touching on the table, and then back up at this man I barely even know. He really does understand me. And I think that’s what makes me want to keep doing this. A fake relationship is crazy, but he and I have a great time when we’re together. And not only that, Carter is a better boyfriend than any of the real ones I’ve had.

I’m glad he’s here with me.



In the six weeks since Jada and I agreed to help each other, we’ve basically perfected the art of a fake relationship. The two of us are like a finely oiled machine, with our weeks falling quickly into rhythm with each other’s lives and family commitments.

“See you on Sunday for your family dinner?” I ask as I drop Jada off after a visit to my mom’s place one day.

“Yeah, if not before,” she grins before shutting the car door. She turns again and waves over her shoulder just before she steps inside her building. I wave back, shooting her a warm smile.

This becomes our regular routine, stepping in to fill whatever responsibilities a partner usually would, but without any of the pressure. It’s a load off, and I pretty much have a permanent smile plastered on my face, knowing that my mom has finally stopped worrying about me, and that Jada’s parents have stopped pressuring her to find someone. It’s the perfect arrangement.

Every Sunday we do dinner at her parent’s place, and Jada even starts coming to see my mom twice a week with me. I don’t expect her to come every time, of course, just every once in a while to keep my mom happy. But Jada insists on accompanying me every time I go to see her.

I can tell she cares about making my mom happy almost as much as I do, and it helps me relax a lot. Mom is even starting to look a little better and it’s hard to tell if it’s because the treatment is working or just because she’s finally feeling more at ease about my love life.

“Oh, she’s perfect,” my mom says after almost every visit. “I’m so happy for you.”