Things were different now. I didn’t exactly have money to burn, but I had more than enough, a fulfilling job, and I’d cut my family out of my life so completely that there’d never be a reason to contact or see them again. Listening to the sounds of Wyatt dishing up dinner, I realized that it wasn’t just things that had changed, but I had to.

I’d stood on my own two feet when I left for college, ending the cycle of abuse in my own life. With Martin, I’d found more than happiness and love, but I’d also truly discovered my own worth. Which was evidenced while I’d been mourning him for the last three years. I’d never once had thoughts that I’d become less of a person without him by my side. And now, here I was sitting in the house of a man—a professed Daddy looking for a boy—and not only was I letting him serve me, I hadn’t even offered to help but allowed him to dote on me the way he said he wanted earlier.

“What are you contemplating so hard over there?” Wyatt asked as he came in with a plate overflowing with delicious-smelling roast and veggies that he placed next to the wine in front of me.

“My life.”

He placed one large hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “Are we going too fast, baby? Do you need me to pump the brakes a little? I want us to get to know each other better, and you need to feel comfortable.”

The concerned sincerity in his tone eliminated any of the remaining doubts that had been hovering in my mind all day while I’d fluctuated between mostly anticipating and slightly dreading having a second date so fast. I hadn’t even called Greg to tell him about going to the diner with Wyatt earlier or about our dinner tonight because as much as I thought he’d support this, the possibility that he might warn me against dating Captain Daddy gave me a pang in the heart region.

Reaching up, I clasped his hand. “I’m right where I want to be. Dinner looks wonderful and smells even better, so why don’t you go get your plate so that we can eat?”

He narrowed his eyes but nodded, going to collect his meal and sitting next to me, brushing my knee with his. “We’re going to talk about whatever it was that had steam rising from your head, Cass.”

Old me, the one who existed inside my skin before having my epiphany, would have said it was nothing or set my fork down and launched into a deep explanation to ease my companion’s mind. But I wanted to embrace the newness of myself and the possibilities that might exist with Wyatt, so I tried something new and winked, then said, “I know, Daddy. After dinner.”

He blinked, a smile blooming on his face. “After dinner, then, boy.”

If calling him Daddy was going to produce the kind of joy radiating from him, then I’d never call him Wyatt again. I’d never seen such a visceral reaction on someone’s face to something I said. It was a little overwhelming, but he was so breathtakingly handsome like this wait was worth it. Oddly enough, it didn’t even feel silly or wrong calling another guy Daddy while being a grown-ass man myself. It felt freeing—right.

The roast really was good, and the conversation was even better. We talked about what we’d each gotten up to this afternoon, and he shared some funny stories about the people in his unit. By the time we were done, I was full and ready to cuddle while I gave him the answer to his question. “Can we wait to clean up until later, Daddy?” Another thing I’d never done. I was the type to make sure the kitchen was in pristine order before walking away. Who was I right now?

He shook his head. “Nope.” He popped the P and tapped the tip of my nose. “I’m eager to hear what was on your mind, but I want to enjoy our time together without anything hanging over my head.”

I pushed my chair back and jumped to my feet. “Then I’ll help you so we can tidy up quickly.”

He got to his feet and pulled me into his arms. “No worries, boy. I cleaned up as I cooked. Let me load our plates into the dishwasher and put away the leftovers. You can take your drink and wait for me on the couch.” He pressed his lips to my forehead and smacked my ass. “Go on before I get distracted.”

I followed his directions while thrilled inside at the idea that he found me distracting. I’d been called many positive things in my life: responsible, dependable, organized, and friendly, to name a few. The life I’d made for myself with Martin had been my dream come true. We had a beautiful home and friends we went out with for fine dining or to the theater. Our sex life had been amazing, and we’d loved each other deeply. I’d enjoyed every aspect of my life. But like me, he’d been focused and everything had a time and place. We weren’t the type of couple who got distracted by each other.

I toed my shoes off and settled back into the couch, smiling as Wyatt strode toward me. “Did you really get the dishes done already?”

Dropping down beside me, he pulled me close, and I snuggled into his side, wrapping my arm over his rounded stomach. “I told you that I was on top of it. I wanted to devote all of my time to you tonight.”

Sighing contentedly, I tilted my head back for a kiss. He skimmed his lips over the top of mine, his breath hot on my mouth. “Talk first, boy.”

Wrinkling my nose, I huffed. “You’re no fun.” Again, who was I? For all of my strengths, I wasn’t exactly the one any would ever call to have a good time. Discuss the deep depths of their soul? Yes. Drunk and needing to vent? Absolutely. Sad and depressed? Sure, come on over. But to have fun and just fool around? Never.

He chuckled, sounding dark and dangerous and totally fuckable. “Oh, I’m fun alright, and once I know we’re on the same page, I’ll show you just how much.”

Quirking a brow, I playfully asked, “How?”

Wyatt’s hand slid up the side of my thigh. “I’ll make you feel so good, baby boy, your head will explode.”

I shivered, hoping we were both talking about the head pulsing with arousal in my pants. “Okay, then. But I’m holding you to it. I’ll spill all the thoughts swirling around in my brain, and then you have to make me explode.” I waggled my eyebrows.

Wyatt snorted. “You are such a silly boy tonight.”

Forcing myself not to tense, I asked, “Do you hate it?”

“What?” The arm around me tightened. “No way. I love this version of you. I’m hoping to see more of it.”

“Me, too,” I admitted, leaning heavily into his side.

“I’m sure it’s been hard to cut loose since your husband passed.” The words were spoken without judgment or criticism, only genuine concern.

How did I get lucky enough to stumble upon this man, and what had been wrong with his ex that he’d walk out on this jewel of a human? I wasn’t in love yet or anything, but I could easily picture myself falling for this kind, gentle, caring Daddy. Hell, in spending one day with him, I’d gone from apprehensive about whether I was ready to let someone else in, to wishing I’d brought an overnight bag. I wanted, longed, for more of this man’s touch. “I was never really the type to cut loose. Or anything close to it, unless you count indulging in too much wine. Yet…”