Huh. Maybe that was where this newfound appreciation for Daddy/boy dynamics came from. I was literally surrounded by couples who lived that lifestyle.

As I made my way to the back door, it should’ve occurred to me that the new guy might be my mystery man. Well, not mine. But it didn’t. I was too caught up thinking about what it would be like to submit to a Daddy. Huh. Another random thought. How come I jumped right into being the boy?

“Cass, what are you doing out of your office? I usually have to drag you out just to make sure you eat lunch.”

Boss’ friendly tone jerked me out of my woolgathering, and I smiled. “Boss, I’ve been looking all over the place for you.”

“Do we need privacy, or is it something we can discuss right here? I need to keep an eye on those two.”

I followed the direction he pointed and stopped short. In front of me, with his muscles rippling in the sun under his tight, short sleeve shirt, my sexy silver fox was stacking boxes onto a handcart. My breath caught, and I wanted to move closer to him and see if those eyes were as haunted as I remembered. I wanted to see if that enticing aroma still lingered, or if it had been drowned out by the scent of the sweat pouring off of him. That thought sent a shiver down my spine. Why was my mouth watering?

Chance barked out a laugh and teased his companion. “What’s wrong, old man? This work too backbreaking for you?”

I zeroed in and saw that sexy and silver had stopped and was staring at me. Out of my peripheral, I caught Boss’s head, ping-ponging back and forth between me and the new guy. “Oh, Cass, this is Wyatt’s first time helping us out. I don’t believe you’ve met.”

The tall, broad-shouldered man moved toward us, wiping his palms down his thighs as he came. “No, I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure,” he said in a deep, rumbling voice.

The same voice I’d been hearing in the back of my mind whispered that it was time to move on.

My stomach whooshed as I forced myself to breathe. Greg and I might need to make another trip to the diner.

Chapter 3


* * *

Fuck, he was prettier than I remembered. I mentally shook myself before I got caught staring like an old fool. I’d thought it was a fluke, but even if I’d just admitted it to myself, I hadn’t stopped thinking about him since I’d literally bumped into him a few days before. The polite thing would be to offer my hand to properly introduce myself.

I approached him slowly and extended my arm, and I felt a bit insecure when he stared at it for a few seconds before he took it. His skin was warm and soft in my larger, rougher hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Cass.” I reluctantly released him, but not before I stroked my fingertips over the inside of his wrist lightly. The corner of my mouth twitched into a smirk at his small flinch, and then he was rubbing his wrist with his thumb.

“You, too, Wyatt. What brings you here to volunteer?”

“I was bullied into it.”

“Don’t make me snitch you out to Remy.”

I briefly glanced at Chance over my shoulder. “He called me insufferable.” I brought my attention back to Cass. “It was bullying. A commanding officer should warrant more respect.”

At Chance’s snort, Cass’s beautiful lips curved upward, and he darted a glance up at me from under thick, dark lashes. As much as I wanted to keep staring at him, maybe catch him around the waist and lead him to a quiet spot where I could keep him to myself for a few, I didn’t even know if the man was single. Yet I could see an edge of nervousness in his gaze and the way he held himself. I hoped that wasn’t a reaction to me.

I went back to work to give my boy—no, not my boy—not every man that set me off wanted a Daddy to take care of him, but, sadly, after a year, I missed that side of myself. Boss and Cass were talking quietly off to the side as I stacked more boxes. Chance took the first load inside and returned with his cheeks flushed.

“We’re here to work, not for you to make out with your Daddy.”

“Don’t be jealous that I got a Daddy and you don’t got a boy.” He batted his blond lashes at hyper-speed until I rumbled a growl at him that set the boy off, giggling.

“My lack of a boy is none of your business. Mine would have a lot better manners… even though I got a weakness for Brats.” Chance stuck out his tongue at me, and I chuckled at his antics. Bart definitely had his hands full, and I was little envious of the life I once had. A cough from my left drew my attention, and I saw Cass dart his gaze away from me. “Honey, I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.”

I earned a few stares. Boss and Chance were the heaviest, but Cass seemed to be intent on ignoring me. I swore I could see his cheeks had turned an adorable shade of rose, and he was trying to hide it from me. Holding up my hand, I motioned for Chance to give me a minute. I crossed the short distance between Cass and me because it didn’t sit right with me that I’d made him uncomfortable.

“Hey,” I whispered as I raised my right hand and tucked my fingertips under his chin and turned him until he looked at me. “No need to feel uncomfortable and I apologize if I did, honey.” Honestly, I had a weakness for shy glances from under lashes. It just made a boy that much more cute and sweet. Although, I bet he had a bit of fire hidden under that calm exterior of his. “Do you accept my apology?”

“Y…” He cleared his throat. “Yes, I’ve counseled a few Daddies and their boys before. I’m not unfamiliar.”

“Thank you.” I stroked my thumb across his chin just below the curve of his plump bottom lip and released him. “I better get back to work. I don’t think I’m the boss around here.” I winked at him and returned to a shocked-looking Chance. “Are we working, or are you just staring at me?”

“Uh-huh, you should use the Daddy voice at work. It might get the officers and detectives to be more compliant.”