I sighed happily. A boy could dream.

And look! So far, he’d been making all my dreams come true, so—

“Sweetheart,” he murmured behind me, a sleepy rumble in his voice as the arm he had draped over my middle tightened, pulling me more firmly back against him.

I’d never slept in the same bed with anyone before, and I already never wanted to stop.

He pressed a kiss against the back of my neck, and I’d swear I could feel his lips curving up in a smile. “Are you always such a wiggly little thing?”

“I can’t help it. You’re so hard!”

I tried to squirm even closer, and he sucked in a sharp breath, his cock flexing against my ass. Then, with a whole different kind of rumble in his voice, one that felt exciting and sounded possessive and made my whole body come alive, he slid his hand down between my legs to cup my trapped dick as he growled, “But you’re not, pretty baby. You’re still tucked away, right where I put you.”

I thrust against his hand, the heat from his palm confusing my dick in the most exciting way ever as it tried and failed and tried again to rise up and salute. I couldn’t get any friction at all, but the possessive way he held me and the feel of his hard shaft rubbing against my butt and his… his everything, making me feel a little crazed for a moment. It made me want to hump his hand and promise him filthy things and beg for… for…


I didn’t know for what, but the deep, vibrating groan I got as he turned me onto my back and then rolled on top of me, pinning me in place, that… that was probably it.

“Daddy?” I asked, my voice trembling with excitement as he stared down at me like I was the treasure he’d locked up. Not just my dick, but all of me.

“Fuck, I love it when you call me that,” he murmured. “Are you really this perfect for me?”

“I’d… I’d like to be.” I could feel my cheeks heating up, but I didn’t look away. I couldn’t. “And you’re perfect for me, too.”

He gave me a slow, sexy smile that made my breath hitch. “I’d like to be.”

“You are. You make me so horny, but you make me feel safe, too. No one’s ever taken care of me like this before, and—” I felt a little shy admitting it, because it was pretty close to begging for it to be true, but I still said, “—the thing you put on my dick makes me feel like you won’t let me go.”

“That’s amazing, baby,” he said, his voice getting husky in a way that made me want to crawl right inside him. “I didn’t think I could have this.”

“What do you mean?”

He hesitated. “I’ve made it a point to… hold back from being too overbearing in past relationships, not that my partners would agree.” He shook his head, then gave me a rueful smile. “Jackie, that little shit, was teasing me about my need to be in charge of everything the day we met you. I just never thought I could have that with someone and not send them running.”

“I’m not running,” I said, squirming underneath him and trying to tug him down even closer. He had his arms braced on either side of my head, holding most of his weight off me, and I wanted all of it.

“I know, pretty baby,” he said softly, not letting me pull him down. Then, with a flare of heat, he added, “And you know that I want to be in charge of everything.”


“Yes, please,” I said as I quit tugging at him and relaxed. Not just my body, but all the invisible parts of me on the inside, too. Daddy was in charge, and it was perfect… for both of us.

He stared at me hard for a minute, then smiled, shaking his head. “You really mean that. It used to shock me, how free Jackie felt about just saying what he wanted even when it was…”


Daddy snorted, then laughed, and I grinned because I’d made him do that. And I wasn’t wrong, either. Jackie had told me about some things that… well, I’d seen porn, but he’d actually lived it.

“Your generation is so much freer with that sort of thing,” Daddy said, stroking my hair back. “It’s different for me. Coming out was one thing, but I’m not used to admitting the more aberrant things I want, or feeling like it’s okay to want them.”

I didn’t know what that word meant, but I could guess. He was wrong about “my generation,” though. We weren’t all one thing, and even though Jackie wasn’t that much older than me, I already knew he’d grown up totally different.

“It wasn’t okay for me to want weird things, either,” I whispered. “It wasn’t safe, and I knew even before I had to leave that last place that if anyone found out the things I liked…”

My stomach tightened up from remembering it, and Daddy’s face turned into fierce thunder. “You told me about that. I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to say—”

“I know, it’s okay,” I rushed in, not wanting to spoil any of my time with him by thinking of that, even though I knew it wasn’t me he was mad at.