“Oh.” I wasn’t sure what that meant. “Does it come out of my paycheck?”

“Nope! Mr. Moore was very clear that these are business expenses and that he expects me to ensure that you have absolutely everything you need.” She’d been tapping on her tablet the whole time, and she spun it around to show me an online shopping cart page. “What am I missing?”

My eyes widened. “I don’t need that much. Is Callum married?”

I don’t know why I blurted that out, but it made Andrea dimple at me again. “Not married, and while he certainly doesn’t share everything about his personal life with me, as far as I know, he hasn’t been involved in a personal relationship for quite a while.” Something buzzed in her bag, and she plucked out a phone to check it, then looked at me again. “He’ll be in meetings all day, but is reminding me to make sure his number is in your phone by the time he’s done.”

I checked it. It was at 9% now, which should be enough to turn it on, at least.

I did that, and Andrea quickly inputted a few contacts, winking at me when she saw my confusion. “I put mine in there, too, along with Paul’s and the number for the building, in case you need to reach the doorman.”

“Oh, will he let me back in after I’m off work?” I asked, chewing on my lip. I hadn’t thought about that.

She told me he would, showed me around the apartment, said she’d handle getting my uniform clean in time for my shift at La Vigneta that night, and insisted on giving Paul, the driver, my work schedule for the whole week so he could take me there and back again. By the time she left, she’d also had a whole bunch of nice clothes delivered for me and transferred everything on my phone to a shiny new one that showed up.

What she never did get around to doing was telling me what exactly I was supposed to be doing to earn all of this, but she’d said Callum would call me tonight, so I guessed I could just ask him directly about my actual job duties… and if the flutters I got in my belly at the idea of hearing from him were still based more on my stupid crush than on more responsible things like wanting to figure out how to be a good employee for him, no one but me ever needed to know.

Chapter 5


* * *

Despite the unexpected distraction of finding Dashiell this morning, I’d managed to stay focused on the meetings I’d flown into town for and had made significant progress on the deal we were putting together today. Normally, that would have given me a lot of satisfaction, but tonight, all I could focus on was the boy I’d left in New York.

I set aside the contract I’d been staring blankly at for the last fifteen minutes and checked my phone again. Andrea had given me Dashiell’s phone number, and I’d sent him a message once I was done working for the day, asking him to call me once he was back at my apartment tonight.

He’d replied that he would—a simple, yes, sir—but he should have been home by now, and he still hadn’t.

I frowned, then tapped out a quick message to Paul, getting a prompt reply back.

Yes, sir. I delivered him back to your apartment twenty minutes ago.

I drummed my fingers on the arm of my chair, then slipped my earbuds in and surged to my feet, hitting the call button under Dashiell’s contact information.

He answered on the second ring, sounding groggy. “H’lo?”

The restless energy that had plagued me all night as I waited to hear from him settled down as soon as I heard his voice.

“Did you fall asleep?” I asked, smiling.

“Wha—oh no! Um, I mean, yes? I’m so sorry, Callu—um, I mean, sir. Should I be calling you Mr. Moore? That’s what, um, what Andrea and Paul call you, and they work for you, too?”

I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror, startled to see a wide grin on my face.

“No,” I answered the boy. “You don’t need to call me Mr. Moore.”

“Oh. Okay.”

I closed my eyes, easily picturing the way his cheeks had no doubt pinkened up. “How was work for you tonight, sweetheart?”

“Um, it was fine? Not… not quite as exciting as that time you were there,” the cautiously playful tone in his voice made my cock swell, and I pressed a hand against it to keep it in check.

“I should hope not,” I said, a little growly. “My nephew was being completely inappropriate with you.”

He paused for a moment. Then, quietly, “I didn’t mind. He did apologize after you left, you know, and I… I thought of you, afterward.”

My mind filled with several scenarios under which he might have been thinking about me after we’d first met, all of them involving my cock, and the eager look of wide-eyed wonder he’d given it when he’d realized I was hard for him.