“How could I?” He pulls back and traces his fingers over my face. “It’s like the stars have aligned or something. Us meeting again. Being into the same kinks. How could I let you go?”

We kiss, our lips melding, our bodies pressing together with urgent need. We have to break apart to breathe, but the moment we’ve gulped in air, our lips connect again, as if we’ll starve if we don’t kiss.

“Do you have work tomorrow?” I ask once we’ve managed to break apart for more than a heartbeat.

It’ll be Monday. The start of a new week has never held so much promise.

“Yes. Do you have training?”

I nod. “I have an early start. Let me drive you home.”

“You have a car?”

“Yes. I’m lucky that this place has private parking spaces. Being able to drive makes getting to training easier.”

“I bet.”

“For the record, I’d like you to stay, but you don’t have any clothes here, and you need to get a good night’s sleep.”

“So do you, Daddy.”

I laugh. “Yes, and if you stayed, I don’t think either of us would sleep much, do you?”

Wren shakes his head.

“It’s settled, then. I’ll take you home.”

“And I’ll text you before I go to sleep, Daddy.”

I smile. He remembered. “And when you wake up?”


We return to the bedroom to find our clothes and put them on. Just as Wren is pulling his chinos up, I say his name. He pauses and stares at me.

“I’m going to buy you a present.”

“Another one? You already got me these clothes.”

I grin. “This one will be a sexy present. I think you can guess what it might be.”

He bites his lip. “An anal plug?”


“I’d love that, Daddy.”

I grasp his face, bend down, and kiss him hard. “I know you would. I’m so glad we found each other again, baby.” Saying it feels right, though I was hesitant before. Like by redefining who were are to each other, we can somehow reclaim all the happiness of the past as we move forward into the future.

“Me too,” he whispers. “I’m happy to get my big jock back. I wish I didn’t have to go.”

“So do I. But I wouldn’t be taking care of you if I let you stay.”

“I know. I’ll behave and get a good night’s sleep.”

I kiss his forehead. “We’ll see each other again soon, boy. I promise.”

Chapter 8