Chapter 1


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Tonight’s the night. I’m going to come out to my parents and then take the love of my life to our sixth-form prom. My palms are sweating, but I’m pumped and ready to step out of the shadows. I have to, for Wren.

I take a shower so I don’t smell of sweat and dirty jock straps and then put my rented suit on. I’ve never worn anything so smart, but Wren’s worth it. I can’t wait to see his face when I show up at his house. I bet he’ll look gorgeous. My heart flutters, but it’s driven away by a queasy bubbling in my stomach. I’ll get to meet his parents. They know he’s gay, so I’m sure they’ll be cool. Meeting them will probably be easier than coming out to my own parents. They’ll be fine. They love me. Why wouldn’t they be okay with me being gay?

I feel sick.

I don’t know how people at school are going to react to me and Wren walking into the prom as a couple, especially my rugby buddies, but they’ll have to deal with it. Everyone will have to deal with it. I’m gay. Wren is my boyfriend. I want everyone to know that.

It’ll come as a shock. No one knows we’re friends, let alone that we’ve been seeing each other since high school and that I’m hopelessly in love with him. He’s never so much as liked one of my social media posts. I’m not sure he’s on social media. I’ve never gone looking for his profiles.

I straighten my tie and take a few calming breaths. I’m done hiding.

“Tanner, are you ready?” Mum calls up the stairs.

I look at myself in the mirror. Yes. I’m ready. My feet won’t move. They’re rooted to the spot. I take a few more deep breaths. It’s going to be fine. People are going to accept that I’m gay and that I’m with Wren, and if they don’t, well, screw them. They’re not worth my time anyway. I’m taking Wren to the prom, and nothing is going to stop me. The quivering returns to my heart, drowning out the bubbling in my stomach. My body decides to move, and I jog downstairs, grinning.

“Oh, Tanner, you look lovely.” Mum is on standby with her phone to take photos.

“Very handsome,” Dad agrees.

“I got this for you to give to your date.” Mum hands me a clear plastic box with a red rose corsage. “Who’s the lucky girl?”

I’m not sure Wren is going to want to wear a corsage, but I take the box anyway. “There’s something I want to tell you.”

“I forgot,” Dad says. “A letter came for you earlier. It looks important.”

“But, Dad, I—”

“If it looks important, why didn’t you give it to him when he got home from school?” Mum asks.

“I told you. I forgot.”

Mum rolls her eyes.

“I need to tell you something,” I say.

“Just a moment, Tanner,” Dad says. “Let me get that letter first.” He enters the sitting room and returns a minute later with a long white envelope. He hands it to me. “It’s got Harlequins’ logo on it.”

“Harlequins?” Mum claps her hands together and presses her fingers to her chin. “Open it, honey.”

I stare at the letter for a moment. My heart has gone from fluttering to pounding. “Do you think they’re inviting me to tryouts?” I know there had been scouts at all my rugby matches last season.

“Open it and find out,” Mum says.

I’ll read the letter, and then I’ll tell them I’m taking a boy to prom. I tear open the envelope and unfold the letter. My eyes grow wide as I read it.

“Well?” Mum asks.

“It’s from Harlequins. Their talent scout has seen me play a few times. They want to offer me a spot in their academy. That’s the youth squad,” I add as if my parents didn’t know that. Holy shit.

Mum squeals and hugs me. “That’s wonderful, Tanner.”

“Great news,” Dad agrees, clapping me on the back.