Then I help her up, pulling her onto my lap.

She hisses at the contact, and I smile. “Can you feel it? Will you remember this?”

“Yes, God, yes, Daddy.”

“How does it feel, Yaz?” Cade asks in a throaty whisper, his voice filled with a deep yearning that I make a mental note of, hoping like hell I have the chance to do something about that for him at some point in the future.

“It hurts,” Yasmin tells him dreamily as she leans into me, nuzzling against my neck. “It hurts so good, babe. It’s like Daddy’s still touching me there.”

I chuckle. “I am still touching you.”

I tighten my arms around her and note that the tide has finally started to go back out, the water level lowering enough that the wooden boards that make up the hut’s floor are visible again. I don’t have much longer with them. Not unless they want something more.

I smooth Yasmin’s hair back from her face, marveling at the wonder of having her in my arms like this, trusting and pliant. “May I kiss you, sweetheart?”

She sighs in response, offering up her mouth, and I take it gently.

Then a little less gently, because the taste of her is intoxicating.

When I come up for air, she looks at me with stars in her eyes, then suddenly stiffens, ever so slightly, and quickly looks at her boyfriend.

“Cade,” she starts, her breath catching in her throat. “Oh my God, I haven’t… you know I haven’t been with anyone else, not even to kiss, not since we met, right?”

“I know, baby,” he says, his eyes warm but also wistful as they dart up to mine. “It’s fine. We said, I mean…” He pauses, takes a breath, then, “Are we even still together?”

She makes a hurt little sound, and he swallows hard… and then my heart rolls over in my chest when they both look to me for the answer.

“You are,” I say firmly.

“But I broke up with him,” Yasmin whispers, her eyes welling up with tears that she quickly dashes from her cheeks.

I capture her hands, kissing them off her fingers, and give her a stern look. “But Daddy’s in charge now, and I’m unbreaking you up.”

She stares at me hard for a moment, then… giggles. There’s no other word for it, and it’s both sexy and adorable. “That’s not a real thing.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Are you questioning Daddy?”

“I wouldn’t go there, Yaz,” Cade jokes, biting his lip. “You know what happens. He might spank you again.”

“Oh!” she says, her eyes flaring with heat as she squirms on my lap in a way that’s far too enticing right now.

I’d love to explore that, I’d love to tease her some more, but I can’t let Cade think he’s not a part of this in every single way possible—whatever “this” is becoming—so instead, I stroke the smooth warmth of his jaw, then wrap my hand around the back of his neck and pulling him close.

“I might have to spank you next time, sweet boy,” I say, letting a little bit of the possessiveness I’m feeling for these two creep into my voice. “You’re the one who just questioned things, aren’t you?”

His eyes go wide. “Yes, Daddy. I mean, no Daddy. I’m not… questioning the… what?”

His befuddlement is adorable, and I can’t hold back the powerful surge of affection in my chest anymore than I can hold back my grin.

“Exactly,” I tease, stroking the back of his neck as I apply a little pressure, urging him forward. “Now, does Daddy get a kiss from you, too?”

Cade makes a low, needy sound that goes straight to my balls, and all but lunges at me, my first taste of him sealing my fate.

Individually, they each intrigue me, but together, they’re irresistible. And when the tide finally recedes enough that we can make use of the jetty again, I don’t invite them both back to my villa to see where this might go. I test the waters by reminding them that Daddy’s still in charge, and then telling them that they’re coming home with me.

“Yes, Daddy,” they both breathe out, practically in unison. And fuck if the eagerness with which they want to obey me isn’t enough to fuel all sorts of hopes and dreams of my own.

Hopes and dreams that—if I’m very, very lucky, and reading these two beauties right—might just start becoming something more than that tonight.