I look back at the outdoor cocktail bar. Everything is gorgeous here, themed in white decor and natural dried grass, until a colorful mural or accent steals the spotlight. “How did you even find this place? And how much did it cost?”

I know that Sophia and Victor both have good jobs, but this place must be a fortune. All I paid for was the airfare.

“Oh, that’s all Henry,” she says. “My ex, remember?”

“You mean Hot Henry?”

Talk about sexy older men. Of course I remember him. It’s true, her fiancé, Victor, really is attractive, but he has nothing on Henry’s distinguished good looks and confident gaze, from what I remember. When Sophia first introduced us—maybe four years ago?—I was swooning over him before he even said hello.

Sophia laughs. “Yes, Hot Henry. I forgot you called him that.”

I grin. “Can you blame me? And I’m not the only one. Cade and I agree; Hot Henry is totally at the top of The List.”

She knows exactly what I’m talking about, because I’ve been telling her about it for years. “I thought that was only for celebrities,” she says, her eyes sparkling. “Like, people you two wouldn’t actually have a chance to score with.”

“I mean…” I look around, just in case the gorgeous man in question happens to be walking by. “Do you think there’s a legitimate chance that either of us would actually be able to score with Hot Henry?”

Sophia laughs. “Good point. That man’s way too busy for his own good. But he’s still been a good friend to me.”

“It’s nice that you’re still so close after breaking up. You’re lucky.” I’m thinking about Cade right now. If we ever broke up—a thought that hurts too much to really sit with, but that, lately, I can’t seem to keep from intruding whenever we get frustrated with each other—would we still be friends?

Best friends, like we used to be?

Sophia takes another sip of her drink. “Yeah, it’s been nice to see Henry again. He said he came out here to retire—which is ridiculous since he’s barely past forty—but of course he works just as hard. He can’t seem to help himself. I’ve barely gotten to steal him away for dinner.”

“Why did you two break up?” I ask. I’ve always been curious, because every time I was around, he doted on her.

She shakes her head fondly. “He was great in a lot of ways, but just a little too… take charge for my tastes. I’m an independent woman, and I think he was looking for someone to call him Daddy and let him fix all of their problems.”

“Sounds a little kinky,” I say, even though what I’m really thinking is that it sounds like heaven on earth. But then I quickly take another sip of my drink to hide the flush in my cheeks as my recurring faceless man fantasy comes to mind, but this time, starring Henry.

“I mean, yeah,” Sophia says with a throaty laugh. “He definitely could be. I’m all down for a slap on the ass to liven things up in bed now and then, but I think he would have been happiest with someone who got off on kneeling at his feet.”

Me. I want to kneel at his feet.

The thought comes faster than I can censor it, and I’m immediately swamped by yet another wave of guilt. I love Cade, and sure, Henry is on my List—Cade’s, too—but that really is just a fantasy.

Except, hot on the heels of that fantasy comes another.

Both of us, Cade and I together, kneeling at Henry’s feet…

“Not that I’m kink shaming or anything.” Sophia waves an airy hand, completely oblivious to how hot and bothered this conversation is making me. “It just wasn’t my jam.”

I fan myself with my hand in front of my face, hamming up how hot the thought makes me. “It’s totally my jam.”

“Look at you, baby girl! Is that what you and Cade have been up to?” she asks with a hoot.

My face falls, reality crashing back in.

It’s really, really not… and damn, I’m starting to think I want it to be more than I’ve let myself realize.

Sophia suddenly goes serious. “Hey, is everything okay?”

I shrug, trying to downplay it. “Cade’s great.”

He is. He’s wonderful and I adore him.

“But…” Sophia prompts.