“Yes… later…” Another yawn escaped as he waddled into the bedroom like a duck. “I have… we should…”

Every step seemed to suck another thought right out of his head, but supporting him seemed like the polite thing to do, so I nodded and made agreeing sounds as I got him into bed. “We can do that later.”

With a stuffy in his arms as he rested against the headboard, the chances seemed slim to none that he’d make it through an entire episode. “All set, sunshine.”

Grabbing the remote, I hopped up beside him and smiled as he immediately crashed into me, snuggling close like I was a new body pillow he’d just bought. “You’re the best TV pillow, Daddy.”


But at least he hadn’t bought me at Walmart?

I was high-class delivery all the way.

“You’re the best TV snuggler, sunshine.” My ridiculous response as the opening credits started to play made him giggle. “I still think he’s a butthead but I can see why Dragon likes him. Some guys just like bad boys.”

Addison’s yawn was cut short by a giggle. “Not your sunshine, Daddy.”

He slowly stroked my chest as the episode started to play, making soft happy sounds as he nuzzled against me. “You’re smart and funny and you play with me and you feed me good stuff and you know good restaurants and you… you know…”

And he was out.

And I was slightly stuck.

Kissing his head, I decided to watch the episode just to make sure he was sound asleep before I moved. It was a great plan.



It’d make him happy.

And at some point, after they’d found the new house and before the shenanigans hit full ridiculousness, I was out too.

Clearly it hadn’t been the best plan.

Chapter 9


* * *

Daddy had forgotten to leave.

I managed not to giggle and wake him up, but he was stretched out on my bed, sleeping in his clothes and the TV had gone into the weird dark mode that it did when I fell asleep watching cartoons.

He was so cute. Rolling over onto my tummy so I could inch closer, I swung my legs back and forth as I watched him sleep. I wanted to giggle because Daddy was in my bed but I didn’t want to wake him up. Well-rested Daddies would have to give better good-morning rewards than tired Daddies.

Hmm, what was I supposed to feed him?

I wasn’t sure he would eat cereal even though everyone should like Rice Crispies or Froot Loops.

Maybe Daddy was a Grape Nuts kind of person?

Oh, maybe he ate granola… the healthy kind, not the chocolate kind.

Did I have anything healthy enough for a Daddy?

I should’ve planned better… but in my defense I hadn’t known we were going to have a sleepover.