Arlo grimaces. "He’s not usually this down in the dumps. I promise."

I lift Cory to his feet. "Come on, sweet boy. Something about this atmosphere is getting you down—let’s head somewhere where we can chat just us two."

Arlo points to a room on the far side of the club. "The Little’s nap room is over there. No one will disturb you."

"There are cameras, correct?" My voice is firm.

Arlo nods. "Of course."

After the shitshow that was my last relationship, I’m reluctant to be completely alone with a brand-new Little. My ex, Damien, committed the ultimate sin—he accused me of hurting his feelings.

It "happened" while we were discussing a trip to South Carolina where I intended to introduce him to my mother and father.

Damien told me that I was always pressuring him to meet my stupid parents, that he had zero desire to do so, and lastly, that I was yelling at him which I absolutely wasn’t, and that my unwillingness to budge made him cry.

I’d never seen any tears fall down his cheeks. Not a single one.

Now, I’m hesitant to speak to any Little without some way to record our conversation—in case they accuse me of raising my voice.

Damien’s lying fucked with my ability to trust.

Helping Cory to his feet, I bring him to the Little’s nap room. He gravitates toward a cozy green bed with an emerald pillow and dinosaur stuffies.

I help him into the bed, then pull the covers to his chin. "Tell me why you’re so upset."

Cory furrows his brow. "Are you sure you want to know?"

I take his hand in mine. "Yes, sweet boy."

Chapter 2


Staring at Leaf is a heartwarming experience. He’s sexy, handsome, and his jaw is so chiseled I think I’ll cut my corneas studying it for too long.

Even more impressive are his firm, kind hands. The way they helped me off the playroom floor, supporting me, not copping a feel of my body like another Daddy did earlier tonight, and tucked me into this safe, cozy bed, makes my inner Little want to come out and play.

Does he really care about my problems? I’m not so sure I can share. After all, whenever I sought to open to Daddy Thomas, he minimized my feelings.

"Quit crying all the time. Act your age."

At first, he was sweet—his true colors came out after we’d been together for seven months. Worst Daddy ever.

"My Little won’t come out and play." I fight the urge to sniffle—again. "No matter how hard I urge him, he’s too shy."

"Did something happen to your Little that made him this way?" Leaf runs his fingers across the top of my hand.

I glance down… and a tingle works through my gut. Oh—this feels nice.

It’s been a long time since a Daddy’s touched me gently. Daddy Thomas hugged me quite a bit when we first started dating, but after we had our first fight, the only time he put his hands on me was in the bedroom.

He’d swat my ass and order me to grind on his cock.

Now, I like grinding on cock—don't get me wrong. I’m not a prude.

However, when he didn’t provide the minimal amount of aftercare? Even left me crying a few times? That was unacceptable.

I nod. "My ex-Daddy wasn’t kind."