James’s hips rocked. He was close to shooting. In fact, he probably would have already, if he weren’t waiting for one thing.

“Come,” Elio commanded, before clamping his teeth around Daddy’s nipple.

James jerked against him, sound tearing through his body despite the gag, while he pulsed hot and wet against Elio’s hand.

James collapsed back against the tree, eyes hazy with pleasure that was all for Elio.

Elio eased the spit-soaked cloth from his mouth and thrust his fingers in instead. James moaned as he suckled off his own cum.

“So dirty, Daddy. What would anyone think if they saw you?”

James stopped licking and turned his head to the side to remove the fingers from his mouth. It was unlike him to disobey even an unspoken command, but clearly, he had something to say.

“They’d think that I’m madly in love with my baby boy. With my sun god.” He sighed happily. “I don’t know how I got so lucky.” Then he tilted his head back, silently asking for his mouth to be filled again.

Elio pressed two fingers inside his lips, then kissed around them. Daddy was wet with drool, sticky and perfect. “I’m the lucky one.”

For a long time, they stood together like that, while the crickets and frogs chirped around them and faint strains of music from the campfire drifted over on the breeze.

But he did have to withdraw his hand eventually. He cleaned James up as best he could with the dry section of the handkerchief and closed his pants. He still had to steal a few more kisses. “Shall we head back now and let Galaxy ask their question?”

James chuckled. “I suppose we should. Make it official. Or maybe we should wait until tomorrow? Your family’s going to go wild.”

Elio wrapped his arm around James’s waist and pulled him in close. “That’s the fun part.”

James snuggled back. “Your family’s the best.”

“Our family,” Elio confirmed. It wasn’t exactly marriage, but it was close enough. He wasn’t letting James go.

“Wow. Yeah. Our family.”

When they got back to the campfire, Galaxy raced over to them, hands on their hips. “Did you tell him?”

“Tell me what?” Elio asked, hiding a grin.

Galaxy glared at their father meaningfully.

“If you want to ask Elio something, honey, go ahead. But maybe get Mikey first.”

“Mikey!” Galaxy yelled across the clearing, and he trotted over.

“Well,” Elio prompted. “If this is another request for ice cream, it’s too late tonight and you already had s’mores.”

“No,” Galaxy huffed. Then they straightened their shoulders, projecting their voice like the drama kid they were. “Elio, we would be honored if you would like to move in with our family.” He could see all the bravado, and a little smidge of worry behind it.

God, he loved this kid. “Really?” He hoped his voice conveyed the appropriate level of surprise. “I would love that!”

Galaxy squealed and jumped into his arms. “Really, really?”

He squeezed them back before setting them down. “Really, really.”

Mikey tugged on his sleeve. “Does that mean you’ll be our Papa now?”

God, his heart was just melting. He thought he’d gone through all his emotions when James asked, but this was just as intense. He knew his voice was husky when he answered. “I would love to be your Papa.”

He looked at James to make sure this was alright, but James was already nodding, looking just as overwhelmed as he was. Elio hadn’t dared to think about what he would want to be called, but the kids, as usual, were far ahead of him.

“Papa and Daddy and Galaxy and me,” Mikey chanted. “Papa and Daddy and Galaxy and me.” He grabbed Elio’s hand, pulling the group back toward the campfire.