When Mikey was engrossed in explaining tadpoles to his younger “cousin,” Elio turned to give his boyfriend a kiss. James returned it with interest.

“You’ve come a long way, too, Daddy,” he whispered. “I’m so proud of you.”

In the past year, he’d watched Galaxy grow into their new gender identity and Mikey learn to engage with the world, but it was truly James who’d traveled the furthest. Watching him try new things, from parenting approaches to kinky requests, was one of Elio’s greatest pleasures. Daddy had reinvented himself.

And he still blushed at Elio’s praise. That didn’t happen as often these days, but James was sometimes still sweetly shy around compliments. Or maybe about kissing in public.

Elio hadn’t rushed him, but he’d helped celebrate when James had—anticlimactically—came out to his colleagues. Coming out to his parents had been emotional for everyone, but turned out well in the end.

And Catherine… Well, that was a work in progress.

“Thank you,” James finally replied. He took a look around the familiar campsite and sucked in a deep breath of the pine-scented air. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Elio just had to kiss him again for that, but it didn’t last long.

“Elio! James! Did you eat on the way, or should I get you some lunch? We’re about to put things away.”

Elio spun to find his father approaching and disengaged with his boyfriend to accept another hug. His father embraced James just as fervently, and it made Elio smile just to see them together.

Elio’s parents’ approval meant a lot to James, even though they were scarcely a decade older than he was. They’d driven out for the monthly family dinners four times now, so Mikey and Galaxy just dove in with the rest of the pile of cousins.

“We ate on the way,” James replied. “Though if anyone wants to nudge Mikey toward a snack, that wouldn’t be amiss.”

“Sounds good. We’ve got his cereal.”

James laughed. “Thank you. And we’ve got everything for dinner tomorrow and breakfast on Thursday.” He looked relaxed out here, a far cry from some of the tense moments he’d had over the past year as he adapted to solo parenting.

“Excellent. Let me know if you need any help setting up.”

Elio shrugged. “I think we’ve got this.” He winked at James.

They’d downgraded to two smaller tents—one for kids and one for grownups, though it was a toss-up on which cousins would be in which kid tent each night. Mikey would probably invite Josie to bunk with him, and Galaxy would end up with the giggling gaggle of tweens somewhere. It was all the same to him, as long as he and James had their privacy.

As his father walked away, Elio took the opportunity to drag James around to the other side of the car and pinned him against it. James, as always, complied beautifully. There were still several inches between their bodies, James held in place only by Elio’s light grip on his shoulder and his desire to obey.

“Remember this, Daddy?” Elio asked, voice husky. He could feel James’s breath on his lips, but didn’t close the distance.

James beamed down at him. “The best day of my life.”

“Really? The best day?”

James nodded. “Yeah, I was about to give up on camping, and this sexy, mostly naked twink volunteered to set up my tent.”

“Was he good with poles?” Elio asked as his hand drifted down to James’s shorts and began stroking him through the fabric.

James sucked in a breath and his eyes darted around, but he didn’t make any move to stop things. Elio had already checked that they had some privacy, but the chance of discovery was probably driving James wild. “He was… he was very good,” James panted.

Elio reached into James’s pants. They both knew who owned James’s dick, which at this point was hard and starting to bead with fluid at the top. Elio pulled it upward and began a slow, steady stroke.

“Baby boy…” James gasped out. “You can’t…”

Elio pressed his thumbnail into James’s slit. Hard. He loved being baby boy when he was torturing his Daddy. It just made everything that much naughtier.

James’s eyes scrunched closed, but his head still tilted back, begging for more. His cock was pulsing.

“Were you going to tell me what I can’t do?” Elio asked, making his voice low and dangerous.

“No…” He gasped as Elio twisted his thumb, digging into the sensitive hole. “You decide. Yours.”