It was tickly at first. Not much. Kind of like a massage. There were a few more light splashes of sensation.

He suckled encouragingly; certain this wasn’t all of it.

“Ready, Daddy?”

James nodded.

Thwap. There it was. Sharp. Stinging like a thousand bees. But more confusing than arousing.

Then the second round fell, diagonally across the first, and that hurt.

James grunted, not sure if he wanted more. But he could endure it a bit longer with Elio moaning above him and thrusting into his mouth.

The third one burned. The fourth one brought fire to a whole new patch of skin.

And the fifth…

It all turned upside down, a sizzling rush of pleasure streaming through him. His whole body fell into alignment, mouth full, back on fire. It was glorious.

He leaned forward, presenting more of his naked back. He wanted it. Needed it.

The stinging blows fell again and again. He moaned against Elio’s dick, losing all finesse until he remembered his duty and sucked again.

“That’s right. Such a greedy pain slut,” Elio told him. “Just imagine what someone would think if they saw you like this.”

James imagined it, and he nearly came in his khakis. What would he look like, on his knees, back flaming red, groaning and shuddering with another man’s dick in his mouth?

How embarrassing would it be? Debased. Used. Moaning greedily while a pine branch turned his back aflame.

His hair would be wild from Elio’s fingers, his face sticky with his own saliva, smeared over his cheeks.

Even if they stopped now, there would be no need to guess what he’d been up to.

He licked around Elio’s tip, savoring the spongy texture and smooth skin. Providing a service to his sun god.

Elio flicked the branch across his back again and again, letting the delicious pain course through him like a river.

Or maybe like waves, rushing and receding, as he suckled and played while Elio lashed into his skin…

Elio’s breath was starting to come a little faster, his own grunts and groans swelling in to fill the soft rustles of the forest. He tossed the branch away into the woods and clasped James’s head against him with both hands.

Yes, yes…

James could hardly breathe, but it didn’t matter. He drew circles with his tongue, urgency racing through him.

He couldn’t imagine a greater honor or pleasure than making Elio come.

Elio’s breath was coming out heavily, punctuated by rough grunts. “I let you come yesterday,” Elio ground out. “But today, maybe I want to make you wait.”

James let out a sob around the fullness in his mouth.

He was so hard it physically hurt, a wet spot leaking through his briefs. But when Elio said that… he didn’t want to argue. It made his brain spin.

Why did it drive him crazy to imagine Elio denying him?

James’s neck and thighs were starting to ache from the unnatural position, but he didn’t want it to stop. He didn’t even want to touch his own dick, not really.

No, he wanted Elio to feel good. That was all that mattered.