Elio was doing it for him. Elio was giving him everything.

And somewhere, James’s mind went offline. It was like he wasn’t even there anymore, just a jumbled collection of parts. Elio’s hot mouth on his neck. The smooth glide against his prostate. The craggy burn of bark digging into his balls and dragging exquisitely along his length. Warm fingers pinching at his nipples. Thick cuffs locking his arms in place, so that the only thing he could do was take more and more and more of whatever Elio wanted.

Time went hazy. The smell of pine. Pleasure. Pain. Pleasure. Pain. Pleasure. Pleasure. Pleasure.

“Fuck, Daddy,” Elio swore. “You’re gonna come for me. Jizz all over this tree.”

The words were distant, but that didn’t matter. Everything was building. Everything was swirling together.

James screamed, or he thought he did. Ecstasy shook through his body, spilling over the fragile vessel that was his skin and out into the universe.

He could hear Elio’s frantic breath. His growl of satisfaction. But even that was just more fragmented rapture washing through him.

Elio’s strong arms around his torso were all that was holding him together.

After that, he didn’t remember much. Soft words. Softer touches. Some deep knowledge that he could move his body, because Elio was telling him what to do, taking care of him.

He came back to himself slowly, curled up against Elio’s chest. Around them, crickets chirped and frogs croaked. A cool wind shifted through his hair, but most of him was warm and cozy in Elio’s arms.

He nuzzled into Elio’s shoulder, just because it felt so good. Elio felt good. He smelled good. He was just so… magical and amazing and a bunch of words better than amazing.

Could you fall in love with someone after just one day?

Had it even been one day?

James opened his eyes. There was a sliver of moon visible through the trees. And they were sitting on… a blanket? How did a blanket get there?

“What?” he asked, which was about as good a question as he could come up with.

“Hi, sweetheart.” Elio dropped a kiss on his forehead.

James tilted his face up, because he wanted more kisses.

Elio obliged, with soft brushes across his mouth.

James hummed his happiness. Maybe he could sit here all night, with Elio kissing him, and never have to move again.

“How are you feeling, Daddy?” Elio asked against his lips.

“Kind of… tipsy? Or… loops? Loopy? But um… do we have to get up yet?” His words felt slow coming together. Had he answered the question? He just wanted Elio.

“We don’t have to get up until you’re ready. Take as long as you want. Now drink this.” Elio opened his water bottle and held it to his lips. He reached up to guide it, and felt the sticker on the side. Love is Love.

James liked love. Love is love is love is…

He was really thirsty, too. And Elio gave him water.

He liked water. And Elio.

“Is this normal?” he asked. “I’mmm…” He giggled. That was a giggle, right?

Elio kissed him again. “You’re adorable. And yes, this is totally normal. It’s called subspace, and it impacts people differently. Your body just released a lot of adrenaline and endorphins, and there’s probably a flood of oxytocin now, too.”

That would explain why he felt like he was floating in the lovey-est love puddle ever to love. He dug his fingers into Elio’s sweatshirt, just to make sure he wasn’t going anywhere.

James couldn’t ever remember being held before. A tiny part of him felt like it was silly—he was older and physically larger, so shouldn’t it have been the other way around?

The rest of his brain couldn’t worry about it.