
“Was that a fib, Monica?”

“A little fib,” she said, pinching her thumb and forefinger to show me how little.

“Well, then how can I believe you now? Roll onto your tummy so Daddy can take your temperature. If you have a fever, you’ll need to stay in bed for the night.”

I squeezed a dollop of lube onto the tip of the instrument. Realization hit her like a brick.

“Daddy! I’m not even Little right now. You don’t need to check with… with… that.” Monica shook her head back and forth.

“Do what our Daddy told you to do, darling, or I’m going to redden your butt again,” Trey almost growled. “When it’s nice and hot, maybe then you’ll cooperate.”

His voice took on a twang of authority that had Monica shooting looks back and forth between the two of us. I also caught that he’d referred to me as their Daddy and a rush of warmth ran through my body. It hit me differently to hear a man who was dominant in his previous relationships submit to a title that I wasn’t entirely sure if he wanted to use.

“While I appreciate what you’ve said, Trey, you can also roll over. The two of you have been together all night and all day. It’s better to check out both of you at the same time.”

He shot me a look. “Sam–”

“No talking back.” I waited for him to shut his mouth and gave him a pass on the forgotten title. It would be his only one. Running a hand through my hair, I waited until Trey sighed. Hoping he was ready to listen, I continued. “Monica needed attention and while I’m glad she appears to be quite content, you seem to forget the thread of our conversation today. Do I need to read it out loud to remind you, babyboy?”

Trey pursed his lips, pouting slightly. He was so hot. I allowed him another moment, though I wondered what was going on in that head of his. Instead of saying anything else, Trey finally did as I told him and rolled onto his stomach. Monica looked horrified. She might have believed that if Trey protested the action, that they could somehow come out of this unscathed. If she wanted to battle, I was all for it.

Monica scrunched her nose. Finally, she rolled onto her stomach, huffing and puffing as she did it. “Ugh!”

If she wasn’t so annoyed, I would have laughed. Reaching her side first, I patted her panty-covered bottom. “Take these down, sweetheart.”

“Double ugh,” she muttered, glancing nervously over her shoulder as she shimmied her cute polka-dot panties to her knees.

I admired the sweet curve of her bottom, running my hand over it before lifting one cheek enough to expose the tight pucker of her asshole. I pressed the instrument against the opening, and she clenched. “The more relaxed you are, the easier this will be for you.”

“I know it doesn’t hurt, Daddy, but I don’t want you to use it. No one’s ever touched me there.”

“As long as you don’t have a fever, I plan on playing with your little bottom hole often tonight.”

“Oh god, Sir,” she moaned and buried her head under the pillow.

“In case you haven't figured it out yet…” I glanced across the mattress at Trey and cocked an eyebrow, unable to stop the smug smile from creeping across my lips. “Everything you’re about to see, you’re about to experience.”

Trey didn’t answer, but he seemed to be almost docile in his demeanor as he intently watched the interactions between Monica and I.

Slowly inserting the tip of the rod, I pushed it until the instrument was fully seated. I twirled it once before letting go of it. I removed the pillow from her head.

“I’m not sick, Daddy.”

I planted a kiss on the crown of her head and another on her temple. “I heard what you said the first time, babygirl. Stay still.”

“Yes, Sir.”

I directed my gaze at Trey. He said he wasn’t ready for sex the night we started our relationship, but I had some clever tricks up my sleeve. I grabbed the other case, along with the bottle of lube, and walked to his side of the bed. I didn’t bother asking him to lower his underwear, opting to do it myself. His muscular glutes were perfect for spanking. I imagined fucking him as he thrust into our sweet girl’s pussy, which was likely dripping. It also made me wonder how she felt about anal sex. I should have teased her before focusing on Trey, but they were both about to be reduced to babbling messes, flying high with endorphins. A smirk tugged at my lips, and by the time I opened the second case and shook down the thermometer, I was chuckling.

Trey cleared his throat. “I don’t love how exceptionally gleeful you sound right now, Sir.”

I cracked the palm of my hand against his left upper thigh. “You have no idea what’s on my mind. I’m going to tell you the same thing I said to Monica. Relax.”

“Easy for you to say.”

I verified the line inside the instrument was below ninety-eight point six, as I had with the other. The two of them did not know how busy I had been last week, making several trips out to Cheyenne. Wicked Kisses was an aptly named sex toy shop owned by my friend Logan. He had been happy to point me in the direction of all sorts of new things. I found practical items, unusual items–like the extra veterinary thermometer–as well as toys and implements. I hadn’t brought my entire collection with me and for that, they were lucky.