“Oh no. You didn’t do what I think you did, did you?”

“You’re being so serious.” I pouted. “There is nothing to report. I’ve been angelic all day long. Can’t you see my shiny halo, Daddy?”

“I noticed your halo is a little crooked and slightly tarnished. Unlock your phone and give it to me.”

I rolled my eyes but retrieved the phone and did as he asked. He was right about the halo as well. We didn’t have secrets between us, mostly. Not even when we had been fighting all the time. I handed my phone over while keeping a neutral expression on my face. Trey scrolled through my text messages and whistled.

“Didn’t do anything? You have a funny way of thinking, babygirl. You’ve been poking at Sam since the moment you opened those gorgeous green eyes this morning.”


“So have I.”

Something between terror and glee washed over my body. It had been such a long time since I’d gotten my just desserts immediately. I didn't want Sam to be annoyed with me, but if he had been battling two brats…

“Please give me the phone. I’ll fix it.” I held my palm out to Trey.

“Don’t make it worse.” He reluctantly set the device in my hand.

“I won’t, I won’t.” I added a big helping of sweetness to my voice. Taking a few extra moments to really think about what I was trying to convey, I finally typed out a message.

“Tell me what you’re saying.”

“Hi Daddy. I was kidding before. I think I’m coming down with something. Going to take a nap. I love you.”

“Are you out of your mind, darling?”

I blinked innocently, but the corner of my mouth twitched. I knew exactly what I was doing, and Trey knew it as well. “Not that I’m aware of. Do you think I’m out of my mind?”

“This day will not play out the way you wanted it to. Sam will come straight here after work and what happens next is out of my hands.”

“But isn’t that what you wanted, Daddy? I mean, you said you were bratting at him too.”

“You are such a naughty little thing.”

Trey flipped me across his thighs, and he smacked either side of my butt hard.

“Ow! Sometimes it’s hard for you to voice stuff. That's all I meant, Daddy!”

“You’re not getting out of this.”

“I didn’t break any rules!”

“No, you didn’t break a rule. But you asked for some attention, babygirl.”

He continued spanking both of my butt cheeks with fast, deliberate smacks until I kicked my feet out. “Daddy!”

“I’m going to turn your perky bottom hot pink. Maybe then Sam won’t paint mine to match yours. Hell, we’ll be lucky if that’s all he does. He takes our well-being seriously. You know this already.”

“Yeah, he does.”

He finished the spanking with a round on my upper thighs and sit-spots. I would feel the burn for the rest of the afternoon. Having Trey’s attention turned me into a warm, melty pile of goo. I reminisced, thinking of his touches, his kisses. I had been laser-focused on work instead of the tremendous gap between us for far too long. Even though he made a mistake, I hadn't been completely honest either. I loved his immediate reaction when I needed it the most, and the thought caused tears to slip down my cheeks. I sniffled a few times.

“What’s wrong, babygirl?”

“Nothing, Trey. I’m sorry for disappearing in my head for a second. It’s just that you’re turning me on and it’s been a minute. I’m also just really caught up in my head. I missed this so much. I’ve missed you.”

We had spent this past week building on sensuality and intimacy rather than having sex. I wanted him to make love to me, something I’d been desperately craving.