“I’ve been cramming all my wants and needs deep down away from the surface, Sir. I didn’t trust what I saw in front of me. Happy, balanced relationships seem so far away from my reality, but it’s always been because of me.”

I tugged his underwear into place and turned him around so I could see his face. I left Monica in her position, because Trey was still going to get the punishment due.

“Let’s shelve this for tonight. We can discuss the nitty-gritty details later. No matter how long that takes. You can tell me the rules you have between you and Monica and I’ll tell you mine. Can you trust me enough to believe my words?”

Trey wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. I looped my arms around him, letting him have the moment. Today had not gone the way I’d envisioned this morning when I was lying in bed. It turned out even better. I doubted my ability to be a suitable partner for far too long. At least Trey finally seemed on board. Now I had two amazing partners in a span of a few hours.

I trailed my fingers up his arm, touching his shoulder and neck until I reached his face. I grabbed his chin and tilted it upward to catch his gaze. “Answer me, Trey.”

“Yes, Sir. I trust you. I don’t want to make any more decisions tonight.” His eyes were clear and focused.

“Good.” I didn’t point out that technically he had made another decision. His voicing of his needs made me so proud. I tapped my thigh impatiently. Trey did not seem eager for a return trip across my knees.

“Can I make a suggestion instead?” He rubbed his hand over his mouth.

“Get over my lap and then you can suggest anything you want.”

Trey folded himself across my thighs faster than I thought he would. Though I’d done nothing yet, his body relaxed into mine. Gliding my hand over his buttocks, I gave each one a hearty squeeze before I bared him for my correction. I slapped my palm against either side of his ass in fast succession, not allowing any pause. We had to start the warm-up again before I used the paddle. I brought my hand down on his upper thighs, then targeted the sweet spot where they met his behind. I paused, admiring the spattering of hand prints that bloomed across his milky white skin.

“Aren’t you supposed to be lecturing me during a punishment, Sir?”

“You already know what you’re supposed to do in the future. I’ve explained how things are going to be from here on, but if you can talk this much, it’s time for the paddle.” I lifted the maple wood implement and struck each of his ass cheeks.

Trey bit down on his fist. “Fuck. How the hell did Monica take so many smacks with that thing?”

“Monica isn’t new to this sort of correction. I’d also say she likes her pleasure dipped in pain.” I cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Mm-hmm,” she agreed. “It hurts, but it’s more than just pain. It’s the aftermath, the sore, achy feeling. Whether it lasts a few hours or a day, it reminds me how adored I am. I remember I asked for rules and consequences and I’m being held to a certain standard. One that I needed.”

Trey cleared his throat. “You know, maybe I jumped the gun here–”

I responded with two well-aimed smacks on each of his upper thighs.

“Holy fuck, Sir.” Trey yanked a throw pillow from in front of him and stuffed it into his mouth.

I guess that was one way to keep him quiet. I used it to my advantage and landed another pattern of four. Two on each ass cheek and two on his thighs. He kicked his legs out and I hooked one of mine across both. He could beat me in an arm-wrestling match, but my legs might be stronger than his. I returned to the pattern I’d started with, counting out loud until I reached the number I promised earlier.

“You took your punishment better than I expected. Are you all right?”

“Yes, Sir. I, uh, wondered what it would be like for you to hold me like this. When you were wearing your uniform, looking all authoritative and badass while asking if you should spank me, well, it certainly got me thinking.”

Trey was rock hard. Interesting. I should have bent them both over the trunk of my cruiser this afternoon. It would have likely avoided our ATV chase in the rain. “Am I living up to your fantasy?”

“You’re sure as hell living up to mine,” Monica cooed.

Trey clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “We’re nowhere near done, darling. You’re going to get what you’ve been longing for. However, you need to be patient.”

I watched as the worries of the world gradually faded away from her. She giggled, her eyes bright. Switching my attention to Trey, I traced my finger along the cleft of his ass. Had he ever explored anal pleasure and was he into it? His toes curled a promising sign. “So, am I living up to your fantasy or not, Trey? ”

“No, Sir. It’s even better.”

I rewarded him with a multitude of well-placed smacks across the entire expanse of his bottom with my palm. I let the heat build and increased the intensity, allowing him to breathe in between each one. He attempted to arch upward, but my hold on him kept him still.

“Do you need something, naughty boy?”

Trey grunted. I took his non-reply as encouragement to continue the punishing rhythm against each of his reddened butt cheeks. He pushed into each one. I paused long enough to slide my hand against his scalp, tugging his hair until his neck bent. He moaned, the hottest sound I’d heard in a while.

“When I ask you a question, I expect an answer.”