It was going to go down as the most unique date ever but I’d gotten cookies and was going to save London from an invasion, so I was going to count it as the best date ever too.

Chapter 5


* * *

“And she saves the day! Boom the bomb goes off in the sky like fireworks.” Daddy Tate makes the best fireworks sounds as the bomb explodes, so I fall back to look up at the sky.

“They’re so pretty. No one will know how close they got to getting blowed up.” It really was a close call but Barbie saved the day by pretending to be a hot air balloon pilot to get the bomb way high up.

“She’s amazing.” Daddy Tate nodded and reached over to take my hand and pull me up as I yawned. “But she’s also exhausting. I think it’s bedtime for the princess.”

I had to pout.

That was the rules for being a princess, but Daddy raised one eyebrow.

“Are you being theatrical?”


“Noooo, Daddy Tate.” He didn’t seem to believe me, but his lips were trying to smile, so I didn’t worry. He couldn’t punish a princess if they were cute. That was the rules. “No theatrics here.”

Because I wanted to keep the cookies we’d brought back from the restaurant.

“How about the princess gets jammies on and we watch cartoons?” Daddy Tate was very good at being a Daddy.


“How about a cute but kind of grown-up sub gets jammies on and we do adult date things?” I was so good at telling Daddy Tate what I wanted, I didn’t even giggle when I said adult.

But I was going to be just big enough to get good kisses… not really big.

Daddy Tate’s eyes said he wanted to giggle but he squished his lips together and nodded for a few seconds until he got his inside giggles under control. He thought adult was a funny word too. “I think that is a very good plan. What kind of jammies does a kind of grown-up sub wear? You have a lot of them.”

He was so smart.

“My smiley ones because they’re your favorites.” Duh. “Let’s go find them.”

It was my turn to reach over and grab his hand, and I tugged and tugged until we were both off the floor. “I even know where they are because grown-up me did laundry today.”

Sometimes that was hard to remember but I’d done it.

“That’s wonderful.” Daddy Tate even squeezed my hand, he was so proud of me. “Should I go wait in the living room or…”

Daddy looked… confused.

It was time for me to help.

“We do Daddy and Little time however we think is right.” Starting there made everything else sound smarter. “If you don’t want to help with jammie time, you don’t have to.”

I thought that sounded very almost grown-up but Daddy cocked his head and looked like the happy neighbors’ puppy when they tried to teach him to do tricks.

So maybe I needed to tell him something different?

“Do you want to help with jammie time, Daddy Tate?” Yes, that was much better and good communication.

That was very important.