"I've known Stanton since high school, he's nothing but trouble, run and run fast." Warm, friendly affection filled Clark’s voice.

On autopilot I stretched out my arm to shake his hand and tried to tell myself to relax. There was always a chance that Tanner and I would run into each other, we still shared some of the same friend group, but I hadn’t expected it to happen tonight. I’d never imagines that he’d be dating one of Stanton’s friends. He hadn't changed, but he seemed to have lost weight and toned up more since we'd last run into each other months earlier.

"Knock it off. I just got my baby, don't scare him off," Stanton admonished the gorgeous man.

"Everyone, this is Tanner. We met at the gym and I finally talked him into meeting my friends." Clark went around the table giving Tanner everyone’s name.

I must have tensed or given off my unease because Stanton pinched my chin to make me look at him. "Baby, you okay, want to go home?"

"No, no, it's okay."

"Good, I want to show my boy off," he whispered, as he pushed a kiss to the corner of my mouth.

"How did you two meet? Stanton wasn't much on details." Clark asked as he raised his hand to motion a server over.

"We met at a party about three weeks ago." Had it only been a matter of weeks? It seemed like so much longer. But that wasn’t surprising. With Stanton, no subject was off limits. He told me everything and answered every question I had. He'd tell me about his day and everyone he met. And in turn, he'd demand to know every detail of my day.

"I kissed him because he was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen, but then I had to track him down."

"You aren't known for your think-first attitude," Tyler said with a soft chuckle as more people arrived until the table was packed and I cuddled up to Stanton's side.

"I thought about it… I just didn't feel the need not to find him and get his number."

"We had our first date last Sunday, but it's been a busy week for both of us." I forced my voice to remain steady as I glanced at Tanner to find him glaring at me. He'd stepped out on the relationship and I'd remained faithful, so why was I getting the dirty looks after he fucked up?

"That's what you get for dating the premier name in event planning in this city. I swear Stanton has the reputation of a man who's been working in his field for decades rather than five years," Tyler said.

I heard the pride in his friend's voice over what he'd accomplished. Hell, I felt proud and I hadn't known Stanton long at all. Yes, I'd tried to keep my distance at first, because of his age and his attitude, but Daddy was perfect. He was everything I hadn't known I wanted in a man. In some ways that terrified me with how attached I'd become to him in such a short time.

Soft lips brushed my ear and I tensed as he nuzzled that spot just below it. "Boy, tell Daddy what's wrong." His command was edged with concern. I turned my head to whisper in his ear.

"Tanner is my ex." Instantly, I felt his lean frame tense beside mine. "No, no, it's okay."

"Are you sure?" he asked as he stroked his curled fingers across my cheek as if trying to soothe me.

I nodded, because as uncomfortable I was, I wasn’t the first person to run into their ex after a bad break-up or divorce, and I wouldn’t be the last. I could be an adult. Tanner wasn't important. That ship had sailed the day the final papers were delivered, and we were no longer married.

"If you want to go home,” Stanton said, “we'll leave. All you have to do is say the word. Besides, I'm not much of a sharer and it's been a long damn week."

I chuckled as he retreated to brush his mouth to mine and then held me tighter to his side. The server arrived to take our food order and I allowed him to place one for the both of us. Once she was done and had left the table, he laced the fingers of his left hand through mine. I paused to analyze if I was overwhelmed by the affection. He never allowed me to feel alone and, honestly, I'd gotten used to the loneliness over the last several years.

Stanton in my space, the way he touched me as if he just wanted to assure himself I was there, made me feel special. It was also a bit overwhelming, but not in a bad way.

"We're going clubbing next Saturday. You and Brian in?" Clark asked.

I clenched my jaw to hide my thoughts on clubbing, but Stanton tightened his fingers through mine. "No, we'll have to pass, maybe another weekend. Mama's having a big dinner party and I was going to take my baby as my date."

"Two Saturdays off in a row, that's rare."

"We have two weddings next weekend, and you know I don't do those. My wedding planners prefer I'm nowhere near the events. Besides, I don't think my mother even thought Brian would give me a chance."

"That's not true." I turned to glance at him to find him smirking.

"She thought you'd have more sense than to give me the time of day."

"Okay, maybe I'll give her that one."

"Ouch." He grabbed his chest like I wounded him, and I rolled my eyes before excusing myself to go to the bathroom before the food arrived. The crowd had grown over the half hour since I'd gotten there, and I needed a moment of space. I didn't breathe easy until I entered the hallway, and then the bathroom. After I'd finished up, I stepped up to the row of sinks and heard the door open behind me. I spotted Tanner in the mirror as I washed and dried my hands.