
"Oh, yes, he was at the party, I found him hiding outside and he was crying, so I kissed him to make him feel better."

"That's why I never let you work here; our sexual harassment suits would bankrupt us."

"I'm offended. If they work in this building, they’re off limits— well, until now. Any other time I have control of my dick."

She sucked her teeth at me and went back to typing on her laptop. And she wondered why I turned out the way I did. All her eggs were gay. She'd have had a whole army of gay children if she hadn't shut that shit down after one. I wouldn't have made a good sibling anyway. I'd never liked to share.

"Stanton, I adore you; I've pampered and spoiled you for twenty-seven years, fostered that overabundance of confidence, but this gentleman sounds mature and you're… you." She motioned at me with a sweep of her slender arms.

"I can be mature…"

She arched a perfectly groomed brow.

"I can! I'll show you,” I promised. “There's something different about this one, Mama. He's hiding something, a vulnerability that he just needs to feel safe enough to show. I want to be his safe space and, yes, I'll admit, I'm a bit on the flakey side and rarely take anything seriously, but I really want this one." I pleaded with my eyes in that way I knew she'd never been able to deny.

"Fine,” she huffed, giving in like I’d known she would. “All I'm saying is that some people don't want to be played with. They want something real, and when people reach a certain age, they have no time for games. So be careful with this one and in the process, try not to get that tender heart of yours broken."

"Thanks. As I said I'm going to do some recon to get some likes and dislikes; I looked and he has no social media presence. This was harder than I planned."

"Good thing you're sneaky and most everyone around here adores you. Your antics amuse them."

"Points in my favor." I pushed up from the chair in front of my mother's desk and smoothed my suit, doing up the two top buttons on my jacket. "How do I look?"

"You're exceptionally handsome and you know it. That's part of your problem. Now, away with you, I have things to do."

I told her I loved her, rushing around the desk to loudly kiss her cheek as she batted me away. As I crossed the room to exit her office to the rest of the executive floor, I glanced around looking for any of my usual informants. If there was one thing I was good at, it was making friends. I was personable, charming, and handsome with a bright smile. I wasn't vain, I was confident, and confidence wasn't a bad thing. My friends had wondered aloud many times over my life that charming people were just sociopaths with a pretty exterior. At least my ego was made of steel.

No one caught my attention for possible information. Knowing my mother, she’d already put the word out as a companywide memo just to annoy me.

Instead of waiting around, I made my way back to the fourth floor where the legal department was. As I stepped off the elevator, I eased to the side, so I wasn't in full view of my boy's office. He always seemed to be behind his large desk, his reading glasses perched on the end of his nose as he alternated flipping through files and checking something on his laptop.

Fuck, he was more beautiful every time I saw him. His wavy, silver hair was barely tamed. His broad jaw covered with a neatly trimmed beard that framed the most kissable lips. I remembered the exact feel of them—how they cushioned mine when I'd kissed him. Why was a man with his sleeves rolled up to expose strong forearms so damn sexy? Forearm porn. Although, when he was standing, that belly of his was cuddle-worthy and Daddy was dying to get my hands on it.

There was an edge of insecurity too, because my mother was right about one thing: he was a mature man and probably past the bullshit stage of his life. That meant I had to prove to this older man that I was serious about making him mine and that I wasn't too young to be his Daddy. Overall, I wasn't very Daddy-like but no one would be better to him than me. I'd spoil him in every way as long as he gave me a chance.

First, I needed to learn a bit more about him and his schedule was a great place to start.

Chapter 2


What the fuck had I been thinking? I'd just signed the divorce papers but hadn't been able to miss my company party. For some reason seeing all those happy couples had driven me outside to have a minute of privacy to just cry. Something I hadn't really done since the divorce proceedings had begun. Tanner, my ex, had done the most cliché thing, he'd cheated with a younger man—his personal trainer no less. The year I'd discovered his infidelity, he'd sworn he wanted to get into shape as he was getting older and softer, and he'd asked me to go with him with an insulting pat and squeeze of my belly.

My build was a family trait. All my male relatives were built the same, and all were healthy and active no matter what society said about them and their weight. I'd been so confident in how I looked. Accepted the fact I was aging, that my hair had naturally turned silver and the laugh lines beside my eyes were a bit deeper. People were meant to age and change; I'd never seen anything wrong with it. Until my ex had suddenly made me insecure about everything, and then the night of the party happened.

I'd hidden in the dark when the patio door of my boss's home had opened and then closed. I'd backed up to hide between two ornamental trees along the wall. All I could see was a man, one I didn't recognize, but he was beautiful and young, he'd had his head tipped back to look up at the sky. Carefree with no worries, the way I used to be, and when the thought hit me, a sob slipped free, alerting him to my presence.

Damn, when he'd pivoted on his toes, I'd thought his profile was flawless, but seeing him full-on had hit me in the center of my chest. His blonde hair was neatly, yet artfully styled and he'd worn an exquisitely tailored three-piece suit but had set his jacket aside. He didn't quite reach six-foot, and he was trim, his clothing choices highlighting a classically perfect form. The fact I'd frozen when he neared infuriated me, but what had pissed me off the most after I'd thought about it was what he'd said to me.

"Such beautiful eyes should never have a tear in them."

"Oh, baby, you going to let me kiss you? Yes or no?"

"Open for me, baby…"

How many other men had he said those words to? How many had fallen for them just as I had? Yet I hadn't felt a kiss like that in… I didn't know how long. The soft sweetness of it was comfortable, but also sort of seductive, and yet, it hadn't felt like he wanted to fuck me. Although, once I'd arrived home after leaving the party early, I'd cursed myself as I'd actually raised my fingertips to my lips wondering if any of it had actually happened.