“Don’t be so surprised. Some of the best dominants learned to be who they were from taking the role of submissive. It’s a matter of perspective and respect. This was way back in the day, in my early twenties. I was looking for a place to belong.”

“True. Makes you empathetic to your submissive.”

“Exactly. He actually asked me which role seemed more natural for me. I told him the dominant role, and he agreed. Is that something you’re interested in?” I needed him to say yes. I needed the chance for Cass to belong to me, but either way, I still wanted him.


“Baby, always.”

“I’d never really thought about it. But once I moved here, there were so many Daddies and boys that I was intrigued by the dynamic and how content the couples are in their roles. I’ve met a lot of couples that don’t seem like they should work, Chance and Bart, for example.”

“Those two were a bit of a shock, but it would take a saint to put up with Chance. Bart has an infinite supply of patience for his husband. Doc and Stevenson are another couple.”

“I haven’t spent a lot of time with Stevenson, but Doc is so adorable. His Daddy completely dotes on him.”

I was about to speak when the server was back, and we straightened as she placed the plates on the table. She asked if everything looked okay and if we needed anything else, we both answered no, and she left to take care of a group that had just taken seats at the long counter. My focus went instantly to Cass to make sure he had everything he needed.

“You don’t have to wait on me.”

“That’s not how it works. I make sure you’re happy and settled before I take care of myself.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, baby boy. Come to my place for dinner tonight.”

“Your place?”

“Yes, I can make dinner, and we can have a little more in-depth conversation about what it means to be my boy and whether you even want to try. Would you please honor me with your company?”

The faint indecision that flashed across his face hurt, but it was to be expected. He didn’t know anything about me other than my job, that I was a Daddy and recently divorced. Trust didn’t happen in a matter of hours or days.

“I will promise you right now that we’ll only have dinner and conversation. It takes time to cultivate the trust a Daddy and boy, Dominant and submissive, need to move a relationship forward. That doesn’t happen right off. And even if nothing comes of this, you remember that a Daddy will always respect your boundaries and limitations…they’ll always give you a safeword you can use in and outside the bedroom or playroom. What if I give you my number and address, and I’ll have dinner on the table at eight? If you show up, that’s great, but if you don’t, we’ll just take more time.”

He nodded, but that wasn’t a yes or a no for my dinner invite. I’d just have to be patient, and if I got to share a meal with him that night, I’d feel honored. Yet I knew a part of me would be hurt if he didn’t show up. Only time would tell if we could get to know each other better or not.

I’d been a nervous wreck all day, through helping with projects around the Outreach and having the occasional sighting of Cass. Being cautiously optimistic, I’d stopped to get actual groceries to make dinner. I’d made a roast with potatoes, carrots, and onions and a side of roasted brussel sprouts. If all else fails, I’d have leftovers and could freeze them for lazy nights.

I smoothed my gray dress shirt that matched my eyes and adjusted the rolled sleeves. My jeans were faded and worn to perfection, but I hadn’t bothered with shoes. I hated them, and I was at home. I poured a glass of red wine and took a sip as I walked around my apartment to double-check that everything was straight. With the divorce, I’d moved out of the house I’d shared with Loren.

The place held too many memories and was much too large for a single man. A new home seemed like a good way to get restarted on building a life beyond my marriage. And suddenly, I had the urge to try to build a new relationship. I hadn’t lied that morning when I’d said it was technically my first date. Professionally I’d existed in the closet for several years. Loren had, too. The company he’d worked for was conservative, but he’d worked hard to get where he’d been.

All our dates had typically been at his place or mine. Behind closed doors, we’d built a relationship, but I’d also been undercover at the time. Before me, he’d never had a Daddy, never contemplated Age Play or a bit of Daddy kink in the bedroom. He preferred to keep that dynamic of our sex lives to the bedroom. Outside that, I was always Wyatt. I shook off the thoughts of Loren and my insecurity due to the failure of our relationship. That was the past, and it would stay there. I glanced at the clock on the mantle above the gas fireplace. The roman numerals told me it was quarter til eight.

Those last fifteen minutes were going to seem to drag on, but I tempered my darkening mood and took another sip of my wine. Even if he showed up, I just wanted to spend time with him, maybe get a kiss. I’d given him a quick one on his cheek when we’d parted ways outside the Outreach, me headed off to see what else I could do and him with a few appointments.

I crossed the room to the couch and started to lower to the cushions when a soft knock sounded hollow at the door. Setting my glass down, I hurried to the door and took a few deep breaths before I opened it. The oxygen locked in my lungs at finding him on the other side, dressed similarly to me, but his shirt was crimson and looked so good with his light tan and dark hair and emerald eyes.

“Hey, baby boy, you look beautiful. Please come in,” I stepped back to motion him inside, and as soon as I could close the door behind him, I slipped my arm around his trim waist. Lifting my hand, I pressed it to his smooth cheek, and my thumb stroked along his lower lip. “May I?” I asked, but I held my breath, waiting for his answer.

“Yes.” His gaze dropped to my mouth.

“Thank you, baby.” I placed the pad of my thumb just under his chin and tipped his head back, and then lowered my mouth to his. The first touch of our lips warmed my chest; his lips were soft yet firm. I sucked at his lower lip, traced it with the tip of my tongue, but resisted slipping inside when he gasped. His lean body fit so perfectly against my broader one, my rounded belly conforming to his flatter one. “You’re such a sweet boy,” I whispered between brushing kisses to each corner of his lips.

He glanced at me shyly as I gave him one more soft press to his lips and then stepped back, but I didn’t release him. When he raised his hand to trace his mouth with his fingertips, I wondered what he was thinking.

“I’m glad you decided to come tonight. Would you like a glass of wine? Something else?”

“Wine would be great, thanks. I debated if I was coming or not.” I appreciated his honesty about how he was feeling. If he didn’t feel content with me, then I hadn’t shown him I was worth his trust.