“I love-really-like kissing you, too,” I teased him, rubbing my thumbs over his sensitive pucker.

Then I dipped down and gave it a kiss.

Chapter 12


* * *

Daddy put his mouth on my ass, and I didn’t mean to, but I shouted, my arms giving out and my face landing flat on the mattress. I left it there, ass up and chest down, panting as he did it again.

“Daddy,” I whimpered, digging my fingers into the rumpled sheets that still smelled like the both of us.

“That’s right, baby. Daddy’s got you,” he said with a chuckle, his hot breath tickling my hole and the rough stubble on his jaw rasping against parts of me that no one had ever touched before as he turned his head to one side, then the other, kissing each of my butt cheeks as well.

Then he went back to the center, licking right over my entrance, again and again, until I thought I might float away.

Having his finger inside me in the shower had been weird and wonderful and had simultaneously made me feel like I might pee and also like if I didn’t come I might die. Once the weirdness of it passed, I hadn’t wanted him to stop playing with me that way. Not ever.

But this was different. His tongue was warm and wet and insistent, licking and sucking at the most intimate part of me until I wasn’t sure if I was panting or sobbing or seeing God, and then he suddenly speared me with it, pushing his tongue all the way inside me, and my dick tried to grow hard so fast that it made my gut ache, deep and needy, when the cage stopped it from happening.

And I even liked that.

I liked everything.

I liked… liked him, I more than liked him, and even if it hadn’t felt so good to have him do such wonderfully wicked things to me, I think I would have liked whatever he wanted to do to me anyway, just because it meant I was his.

“Oh, fuck, sweetheart,” he said, rubbing his face between my butt cheeks again and then running his tongue along the base of my balls, right where the cage kept them locked down low, hanging away from my body. “You taste so fucking good. Every goddamn part of you, every inch. I love the way you’re so responsive. I want to own this little ass of yours in every way possible. Say you’re mine again.”

“I am,” I gasped, just the act of saying so sending a surge of that maddening, electrifying need-to-come-but-can’t sensation through me again. “I am yours, Daddy. I… I…”

I bit down on my tongue to keep from saying something that was too big, too much, bunching the sheets up in my fists and writhing around like my body had turned into a live electrical wire, fallen loose and out of control and sparking everywhere, anchored in place only by his firm hands on my hips and the things he was doing to my hole.

It felt good to be out of control and safe at the same time. It felt good to be desperate and frantic with feelings so overwhelming that felt like they were going to wreck me.

Because they wouldn’t.

Because he was in control.

And then, in all that thrashing about, I knocked the cute little gift bag Jackie had brought by over onto its side, and gasped loudly enough to make Daddy stop eating my ass and come up for air when the presents inside spilled out onto the bed.

“Baby?” Then he saw, and his tone turned reverent. “Oh, baby.”

It was a whole rainbow of gorgeous silk and lace and satin, and he plunged his hand into it, lifting up the bouquet of pretty panties and letting them drip back off his fingers like a waterfall of jewels.

“Jackie was right,” he said, his low laughter laced with heat. “These are a gift for me.”

Just the sight of them made my stomach tingle, and when Daddy let them all drop down to the bed except for one, a tiny pair as blue as a tropical ocean and so tiny and delicate it looked like it was made from the whisper of fairy wings, my breath caught.

“Baby, I want to fuck you in these.”

A shudder of want went through me so hard that I flopped down flat on the bed, desperately humping against it before I could stop myself. And… and it was horrible. Horrible and wonderful at the same time. My dick still couldn’t get hard, of course it couldn’t, but it was like my blood or my brain or my soul was on fire, every part of me so horny that I didn’t know what to do with myself.

But Daddy did.

“None of that, pretty baby,” he said, pulling me onto his lap and helping me put those gorgeous little panties on, and then, “Oh, these fit you very well, don’t they, sweetheart.”

He smoothed his hand over my lace-covered cage, and another delicious shudder went through me. But he was right. These weren’t like the other pairs I’d managed to get over the years. These were tiny and delicate, but the front was cut big enough to hold my dick—or, right now, my cock cage. They were made for me. Not a woman, but me.