“Baby,” he cut in, his voice sharp but his eyes still warm and tender. “You were beautiful. And that… problem, is something I can help with in the future, if you’d like. In fact, I would very, very much enjoy helping to ensure you don’t come without my permission again.”

I had no idea how he thought he might be able to do that but the way he said it would have made me hard again if I hadn’t just come that very second. Plus, he was talking about the future. He’d said he wanted to have sex with me, and he looked at me like he felt… things. Maybe even some of the same things that I was feeling. But hearing him come right out and say it like that, like we could keep doing this and he would still want me, be with me, take care of me, even after he came back, made me feel almost as blissed-out as the orgasm had. Maybe even better.

“Would you like that, sweetheart? Would you like me to take charge of your pleasure? Would you like to give me control over that pretty little cock of yours from now on, and trust me to take good care of it?”

“Yes,” I said as a heated shiver rolled through my body. Even though my balls felt drained, my dick trembled, trying to rise again. “Please… please do that. I want it to be yours. I want to be yours. I want all of that.”

“Then you’ll have it,” he promised softly, his eyes locked onto mine with such intensity that it didn’t feel like there were three thousand miles between us. It didn’t feel like there was any space at all.

And in one more day, there wouldn’t be.

I couldn’t wait.

Chapter 9


* * *

“Thank you, Paul,” I said as he smoothly pulled the town car up in front of my building just as the sun crested the horizon. I’d have to remember to give him a bonus for the pre-dawn call for service, along with one for Andrea, who had assured me that she’d have the gift I’d ordered for my boy after we’d hung up last night waiting with the doorman.

“Happy to have you back in the city, sir,” Paul said, a note of sly humor in his voice as he added, “and I’m sure I won’t be the only one.”

His words spurred me on. For the first time in my life, I’d delegated the finalization of a major deal, skipping the final meetings scheduled for today and catching a red eye after talking with Dashiell last night.

After cleaning himself up under my direction, the sweet boy had drifted off with the video call still active, and it had taken me all of five minutes of watching him sleep and feeling all the unexpected emotions it stirred up in me to realize that I didn’t want to be on the other side of the country from him any longer, not even for a single day.

I waved Paul off and greeted the doorman, collecting the package Andrea had promised from him, then quickly made my way up to my apartment. I left my luggage and coat by the door, heading straight back to my bedroom, and when I walked in and saw him curled up in the very middle of the king-sized bed, exactly where he’d been when I’d finally switched the call off last night, my heart did a slow roll in my chest.

I realized, despite the box in my hand, that I’d made no actual plans beyond simply getting to him. It was so out of character for me that it should have thrown me off. Instead, I felt free in a way that I couldn’t remember ever experiencing before. The feeling bubbled up inside me as I approached the bed, filling me with the ridiculous urge to laugh out loud, but then Dashiell rolled from his side to his back, his parted lips a temptation I couldn’t resist as his chest gently rose and fell in slumber.

I had no intention of waking him this early, not after I’d kept him up so late, but I also couldn’t stop myself from leaning over him and ghosting a whisper of a kiss over his lips, finally getting my first true taste of him. It wasn’t enough, and with a low groan, I took another, as chaste and bright as the sunshine he’d brought into my life.

But this time, his eyelids fluttered open.

“Hi, pretty baby,” I murmured, brushing his hair back from his forehead and pressing another kiss there.

He smiled, soft and bleary-eyed. “Hi, Daddy. Am I dreaming?”

“No,” I said with a low chuckle, no doubt in my mind at all that if Jackie ever heard my boy calling me that, he’d crow about being right. He had, after all, started this whole thing by teasing me about wanting a pretty little thing who would do exactly that. Hell, for all I knew, maybe he’d put Dashiell up to it.

That thought was almost instantly dispelled, though, when Dashiell’s eyes widened and he scrambled upright, looking a little panicky. “I didn’t mean to say that! I’m sorry. Are you really here? I was dreaming, but I won’t… won’t do it again, sir.”

“Shh,” I said, running my fingers through his hair and cradling the back of his head. “You won’t do what again? Call me Daddy? I hope you do, sweetheart. I like it.”

And I was done denying what I liked.

“You do?” he asked, a hopeful lilt to his voice that had me smiling. “Oh, I… I thought it might sound too porny, but it’s what I like calling you in my head. It’s really okay?”

“More than okay. I want to be your Daddy, pretty baby. I want to be everything to you. I want every single thing you offered me last night.”

Total control.

His trust and sweet surrender.

The right to take care of him in every way that I could.

I wanted all of it, and the dreamy little sigh I got when I said so was all the proof I needed that he did, too.