I swallowed. “Oh, he, um, we really are shopping? And he keeps buying me things, but I think he might be spending too much. It could… it could come out of my paycheck? But I’m not sure how much that will be, and—”

“Dashiell,” Callum cut in. “What is he buying you?”

My eyes flew to the gorgeous pink panties, my face turning as hot as the sun. “Just… stuff.”

“Stuff that you like?”

“They’re, um, they’re really pretty, but I don’t need—”

“No buts,” he interrupted me again. “I want you to let my nephew spoil you a little since I can’t be there to do it in person right now, can you do that for me?”

“Yes, sir,” I whispered, my stomach squirming in the nice way again.

“Good boy. And no more talk of taking it out of your paycheck. You work for me. This is a business expense.”

I swallowed. “Oh, well, um, the ones he just picked out aren’t… I don’t think I could wear those to work in.”

“Is that so?” he asked, his voice like a warm purr that stroked all that heat already inside me and made me want to melt. “Maybe you can show me later, and I’ll decide.”

My heart started to pound, and I wasn’t sure if it was because the idea made me nervous or excited. He said he liked pretty things, and Jackie had made it sound like Callum was… was actually interested in me for more than house sitting, but even though I knew Callum was nothing at all like the horrible guys my mom always dated, it was panties just like these—well, not as nice as these, but the same kind as these—that had gotten me kicked out.

But on the other hand, if he did like them…

“Okay,” I whispered, clutching the phone tightly.

“I’ll call you tonight, sweetheart.”

“Okay,” I repeated, my brain short-circuiting a little as all sorts of wonderfully filthy fantasies flitted through it.

Jackie took the phone from me after Callum said goodbye with a wicked, wicked grin on his face. “So, that’s a yes on the pink ones, then, right, honey?”

He whisked me toward the checkout stand, not waiting for an answer, which was great, since I was feeling a little tongue-tied and fuzzy headed from all the things I was suddenly hoping might be true.

“Now, did I hear my uncle actually try to claim these as a business expense?” Jackie asked as the salesgirl rang them up. “Because no. You’re not going to be able to work for him now.”

“I… what?” I asked, my heart pounding all over again, but this time, not in a good way.

“Remember what I said earlier this morning, Dash?” Jackie took the bag from the salesgirl and then took my arm, steering me out of the store and straight toward a little cafe. “You’re clearly just as into Uncle Cal as he is into you, so we need to make sure you can actually give proper consent.”

“What does that mean?”

He ordered us some drinks, getting me a super chocolatey one with a mountain of whipped cream and caramel on top, then sat us at a table, the bags from today spread out all around us. “If you want to model those cute little pink panties for my uncle, you have to know that it doesn’t matter whether he likes them or not.”

“But it does matter. It matters to me,” I admitted, blushing hard.

“Okay, but you need a place you know you can go if he doesn’t like them.”

“You don’t think he’ll like them?” I asked anxiously, nerves twisting me up inside.

“I do,” Jackie said with his evil grin. “But he’s giving you a place to stay and a job, so if he didn’t like them—breathe, he will, but just pretend for a moment—or, like, think about if he wanted you to do something you didn’t feel like doing, like, uh, choke on his cock when you’d rather be sleeping—”

I squirmed hard, my dick pressing against my pants. I couldn’t imagine ever wanting to sleep if Callum actually would let me do things like that instead.

Jackie laughed. “Okay, we’re definitely going to be friends, Dash, whether things work out with my uncle and you or not. But listen, this part is serious. Say something like that happened and you didn’t have any place to go, what would you do?”

Oh, I knew the answer to that one, because I’d already done it. When my mom’s boyfriend had found out about the panties, I’d run. I didn’t miss either of them, but if I had to run from Callum…

Well, I wouldn’t.