“Who… um, I was just… what?” I said, my brain still muddled from sleep. Then I recognized the guy. “Oh, you’re… Callum’s.”

I couldn’t remember Callum’s “what,” but I was pretty sure it wasn’t “boyfriend” since Andrea had said Callum didn’t have one. And even though he’d startled me, the guy gave off friendly vibes that made me want to like him.

And then I remembered that I did like him.

He was the one who’d said Callum wanted to give me a, um, present.

I blushed thinking about it, then realized I was saluting him with my dream-inspired morning wood, and quickly grabbed one of the plush pillows I’d been cuddled up with and covered up my lap, hiding the small, silky briefs that I’d blushed hard when I realized Andrea had ordered for me yesterday.

They were… nice. Not pretty like the lacy ones I’d had to leave behind at my mom’s boyfriend’s house, but not as boring as the plain white ones I’d been stuck wearing all week. I’d tossed those into the trash after my shower yesterday, and I didn’t even feel guilty about it.

Well, not much at least.

“I’m Jackie,” the guy said, smirking down at me. “And I’m definitely not Callum’s, but he is my uncle, and he sent me over to get you sorted out today.”

“Oh,” I said, still not sure I was fully awake. “Okay. Um, what does that mean, exactly?”

“I didn’t think he meant it literally when he said you were in his bed last night,” Jackie said instead of answering me, making me blush again.

“He said it was okay?” I offered, scrambling to get to my feet while keeping the pillow strategically placed. “Should I get dressed?”

“Oh, it’s very okay,” Jackie said, looking me up and down in a way that might have been creepy coming from someone else, but wasn’t. “You’re perfect for him.”

I automatically shook my head, even though hearing that made my heart leap. “He just hired me to house sit.”

Jackie gave the rumpled bed a pointed look. “I can see that.”

I could feel myself blushing again, but Jackie didn’t seem mad about it. He almost seemed… happy?

“Let me ask you something… Dashiell, right?”

“Just Dash, actually.”

He frowned. “Did you tell my uncle Cal that? Don’t let him steamroll you, Dash. Not without safewords in place, and only if you actually like it. He told me your name was Dashiell, but if you prefer Dash, you need to let him know.”

I blinked at his sudden switch from teasing to… to a little bit fierce. “Oh, no, um, it’s okay? I mean, I kind of like it when he calls me that.”

Because he’d said it was pretty, and that he liked pretty things, but adding that part would probably make it obvious how hard I was crushing on Jackie’s uncle, so I kept it to myself.

Jackie grinned, his mood switching back to happy—really happy—super fast. “You like him.”

I froze, swallowing hard. “He’s… nice?”

Jackie laughed. “Oh honey, no. He’s really not. He’s a bit of a hard-ass, and he’s bossy as all fuck. But he likes you, too, so I have to ask—” He patted the bed, “—is this where you want to stay?”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m asking because he won’t admit it, at least, not before you, but the reason none of his past relationships have worked out was because he keeps restraining his dominant side, so how the hell does he expect to actually be happy?”

“Um,” I said when he looked at me expectantly, pretty sure he’d just overshared about Callum’s personal life, but still hanging on every word.

“Exactly,” Jackie said with a grin, even though I hadn’t said anything useful. “What my uncle needs is to find a pretty young thing who’s just as needy as Callum is controlling. A yin to his yang. A cute little submissive to worship and adore him, so Uncle Cal can finally quit holding himself back.”

I didn’t exactly know what he was talking about except that it sounded a little bit like some of the porn I liked to watch, but it made my stomach jump in an exciting way, and not just because Jackie had said “before you.”

He gave me another one of those expectant looks.

“You want me to be all of that?”