The little hitch in his breath made me think I wasn’t far off, and if I were with him right now, I was sure I’d be able to tell by the deliciously expressive way his face tended to give away his feelings.

“Dashiell, please switch to video,” I said, the husky timbre of my voice too revealing, but impossible to take back.

“Oh, can this phone do that?” I heard him fumbling about for a moment, then my screen lit up with the permission bar.

I tapped it, and Dashiell’s face appeared. He was as beautiful as I remembered, but along with what the sight of him did to my libido, a wave of unexpected tenderness came over me. “You’re tired.”

He gave me a sleepy smile. “Sorry, I think I did doze off when I got back. I just sat down for a minute, and I know we have to go over my, um, my house-sitting duties? I meant to call you, but—”

“It’s okay, pretty baby,” I cut in, then looked more closely at the small screen. “Are you in my bedroom?”

The soft look of drowsiness fled in an instant as his eyes widened with horror, and the video became choppy as he scrambled off what most definitely looked like my bed.

“I’m sorry! I… I wasn’t sure where you wanted me to sleep. I mean, obviously not here, but Andrea didn’t tell me, and I…” The video finally stilled, his phone held too close to his face for me to make out where he was now as he swallowed hard, looking miserable. “I’m sorry,” he whispered again. “I know it was wrong. I have no excuse. I just, you’re gone, and it… I shouldn’t have. Do you… do you want me to leave?”

“No,” I said, the word coming out harshly enough that he jumped. I scrubbed a hand over my face, willing my heart rate to slow down after the surge of adrenaline that had hit me at the idea of him leaving. “You agreed to stay. I would like you to stay. As you’ve seen, there are a couple of guest rooms available. You’re welcome to either one, but—”

I definitely couldn’t offer him my bed. My conscience was clear about that.

My mouth gave my conscience the finger and went on about its business anyway.

“—if you’d like to stay in my room, that would make me very happy, sweetheart,” I finished, which was just as inappropriate as what I’d ripped into my nephew for, if not more so, but also undeniably true.

“It would?” Dashiell asked, sounding just as delightfully breathless and eager as when we’d first met. “You don’t mind?”

“Is that where you’d like to be?”

He hesitated, nibbling on his lip, and I could tell the sweet boy was nervous about saying the wrong thing.

“What did we talk about this morning, pretty baby?” I asked him gently. “Didn’t I tell you not to get in the habit of lying to me? I’d like to hear the truth, always.”

“Okay,” he whispered. “I… yes. I’d like to sleep in your bed. It...” He looked away for a second, his cheeks filling with that pretty pink color. “It smells like you.”

A hot surge of satisfaction shot through me, and for the first time in my life, I was sorely tempted to blow off work—and, in this case—a multi-million-dollar deal—for other pursuits.

I took a slow breath, forcing myself to be more rational. Dashiell would still be waiting for me when I got back to New York at the end of the week, as would all the reasons I’d so carefully constructed to keep from doing something about that. All the reasons I was completely ignoring at the moment.

“Good boy,” I murmured, earning me that little hitch in his breath again. “Thank you for being honest. Now tell me something else. You said you thought of me after we met. Will you be thinking of me when you’re in my bed tonight, the way you did before?”

His blush deepened so quickly that it almost could have been an app filter. “Um, I… I promise I won’t… do that.”

“You won’t think of me?” I teased him, my cock filling fast.

I shifted, adjusting myself as my pants became uncomfortably tight.

“Oh! Um, yes. I’ll… I’ll think of you. I can’t stop thinking of you. I just thought you meant… never mind.”

Oh, I most definitely did mean that. “Dashiell,” I growled, my cock jerking. “What did I say about not lying to me?”

“I didn’t! I wasn’t, I didn’t lie!”

No, technically, he hadn’t. But he was definitely withholding the truth, and I suspected that I knew what that truth was… and it was going to make it virtually impossible to keep my hands off him once I got back, no matter what my conscience tried to tell me.

I wanted this boy, and the knowledge that he wanted me, too, obliterated everything I’d told my nephew about why I couldn’t have him.

“Dashiell…” I started, squeezing my shaft through my pants to try and keep it under control.

“Yes?” he asked, then held his breath as he waited for me to go on, practically quivering.