In my bed.

—as soon as I wrapped up my business out of town.

And fuck what my conscience had to say about that.

Chapter 4


* * *

The days since I’d escaped the apartment had probably been the scariest of my life, and I had no idea why I felt safe scrambling into the back of Callum’s fancy car when I’d gone out of my way to avoid getting into so many other men’s cars over the last few days.

Maybe it was just because I was so damn hungry. Maybe it was because he hadn’t specifically said he wanted sex, like all those others had. Maybe he actually didn’t want it. Maybe he really had just swooped in out of the blue like a knight in shining armor to offer me breakfast, a place to live, and a job, too… all out of the goodness of his heart.

Which should have been a good thing.

A miraculous one.

So why did a part of me feel so disappointed at the idea that he might not want sex?

“Does Callum actually need a house sitter?” I asked the driver, scooting up to the edge of the super plush backseat that felt humongous and way too empty now that we’d dropped Callum off at the airport.

The guy’s eyes met mine for a moment in the rearview mirror before returning to the road. He hadn’t been unfriendly, exactly… just so dang formal and professional that it had taken me a good twenty minutes to work up the courage even to talk to him once we were alone in the car together.

“If Mr. Moore hired you as his house sitter, then he’s obviously decided he needs one,” the man said after a moment.

I sat back in the seat, nibbling on my lip as my eyes strayed toward the take-out bag of sandwiches. I’d already had three and honestly didn’t think I could eat another bite, but after being so dang hungry for so many days, it was tempting anyway.

“Have you worked for him for very long?” I finally asked since the guy hadn’t bitten my head off for the first question.

“Yes,” he said, and this time I was pretty sure I saw the corners of his eyes crinkle in the mirror, like he might be smiling. Sure couldn’t hear it in his starched-up voice, though.

“What will he want me to do as his house sitter?” I asked, suddenly terrified that his apartment would be as nice as this car and I wouldn’t know how to properly take care of it.

“I’m sure he’ll have someone get in touch who can answer that,” the driver murmured, still with those crinkles around his eyes when I checked.

Then I had another thought, leaning forward as far as I could before the seat belt stopped me. “How long will he be gone?”

I’d totally forgotten to ask. Part of me wanted him to come back right away because… well, because even before he’d turned into my knight in shining armor, I’d already kind of had a thing for him. A fantasy thing, sure, but I mean, wasn’t this whole day like a fantasy? And being around him made me feel like I could relax for the first time in longer than I could remember, maybe in ever, because he just stepped in and took care of things, no questions asked.

I suddenly had another thought and pinched myself, hard.

Oh, good. It hurt. Not dreaming, then.

And that meant that… well, I guess a part of me was also hoping that Callum wouldn’t come back too soon. Because what if he did and then I found out that reality wasn’t as good as the fantasy? Not to mention that I still had nowhere to go once he did get back.

“Mr. Moore will be back at the end of the week,” the driver said, answering that at least. “Do we need to make a stop to pick up your belongings, Mr. Davis?”

It took me a second to realize he meant me, since I wasn’t used to being called “Mr. Davis.” When I did, I flushed with embarrassment.

“No, sir,” I said, looking down.

“I see,” he said after a moment. “In that case, the doorman should have received the phone charger Mr. Moore ordered for you by now. Do pick it up on the way in, and I recommend charging your phone as soon as possible so that you can be available when Mr. Moore or one of his assistants reaches out.”

I nodded, a little overwhelmed. I’d never been in a building with a doorman, and half expected to be turned away even though the driver parked right in front and got out of the big black car while I approached the building, watching over me. The doorman turned out to be super friendly, though, and even seemed to be expecting me. He handed over the charger that Callum had insisted on getting for me when he’d asked me to put his number into my phone and I’d had to tell him it was dead, then took me up to the top of the building and let me into Callum’s apartment.

Which was… holy cow.