His eyes went wide, his breath hitching as color flooded his cheeks again, and when he raised them up to mine, a sea of blue I could fucking drown in, and the tip of his tongue darted out to wet his lips?

So help me God, for a single, solitary second, I did let myself imagine how good it would be if he were mine… and I almost came in my pants like I was the teenager.

“That’s right,” Jackie said to the boy, looking delighted with himself. “You see that nice, big... present, Callum has for you? All you’ve got to do is convince him it’s just what you’ve always wanted, and it can be all yours.”

“I said enough, Jackie,” I gritted out, dropping my napkin on the table and pinning my nephew with a look that actually shut him up for once. “You owe the boy an apology, and I’ll expect one as well. Later.”

Bold and carefree was one thing, but Jesus, no matter what I thought I’d seen on the pretty little busboy’s face, Jackie’s behavior was totally inappropriate and completely out of line.

He actually looked contrite for a moment, but I was out of patience. I threw down my credit card, then strode out of the restaurant without a backward glance. There was simply no way I could stay any longer and not say something I’d regret.

I’d also have to avoid coming back to La Vigneta in the future, which was a damn shame, but at least knowing I wouldn’t lay eyes on the oh-so-eager busboy again should help me stuff my inappropriate attraction back down where it belonged.

Out of sight.

Out of mind.

Out of the question.

No matter what latent desires Jackie’s teasing had awoken inside me, no one was going to be riding my cock and calling me Daddy anytime soon.

I meant… ever.

Jesus. No one was going to call me Daddy, ever.

I sucked in a ragged breath as I reached the sidewalk and hailed a cab. Jackie may have been right about me dating men who weren’t a good fit for me, but since I was a grown-ass man who’d like an actual relationship, not just to spend a hot night with a pretty little fantasy come to life, the solution clearly wasn’t to hit on a fucking teenager.

This was the real world, not porn.

The things I wanted to do to that boy had no place here.

Chapter 2


* * *

I double-checked that the flimsy lock on my bedroom door was engaged and then flopped onto my bed, one hand already going down my pants as I used the other to open an incognito tab on my phone and pull up the porn site I’d finally been able to buy a subscription to, thanks to my new job at La Vigneta. I’d only been working there for two weeks and it was already the best thing that had ever happened to me.

Tonight, for example—

But no. I let go of my dick and took a calming breath, tossing the phone aside for a minute and staring up at the ceiling instead. I always came too fast once I got started, and since both my mom and the current loser she was dating would be home later this evening, I knew the not-so-distant future was going to end up being the usual shit show that my home life had always consisted of.

All the more reason not to rush through what would probably end up as the one good moment I’d have all night.

I glanced toward my bedroom door, nibbling my lip hard as I tried to guess how likely either one of them was to come back earlier than expected. I didn’t want to rush my me-time too much, but that sure as heck didn’t mean I had all the time in the world, either. I’d still need time to scamper down the hall to the bathroom and clean myself up afterward, before either of them got home. Not that this crappy apartment Mom’s current boyfriend was allowing us to stay in with him felt anything like a “home” or anything, but since it beat some of the other places we’d stayed—and, as Mom liked to constantly point out, no one was asking me to pay rent yet—I guess I couldn’t complain.

What I could do, what I had done, was finally make a plan to get the heck out and go somewhere better. Not that I knew where “better” might be, but with my new job and a promise to myself that the splurge on the porn site membership would be my one and only luxury expense, I might actually be able to save up enough to get my own place soon.

Not a nice place.

Probably not even a place here in expensive-as-heck New York.

But it would be my place. A place away from Mom’s constant criticism and cutting remarks. Away from her never ending stream of loser boyfriends. Away from having to pretend that I could ever make her happy, no matter how hard I tried to be good.

Well, I used to try, at least. Now, I mostly just tried not to be noticed. And I especially tried to make sure that certain things about me weren’t noticed... which was why I’d also splurged on buying the lock for my bedroom door.

And, dang it, I guess that meant I’d already broken my own no-spending rule, but the lock would really and truly be my last luxury expense, because from here on out I was going to save all the rest of my earnings for a new place for sure. I didn’t have any actual plans beyond that—even if I’d had all the money in the world, my grades from high school hadn’t been good enough to think about college, and it was a holy miracle that I’d ever gotten hired on at a nice place like La Vigneta in the first place—but at least the idea of an apartment of my own gave me one good thing to look forward to.