Wren wrinkles his nose. “Sport isn’t my favourite sport. But it’s okay. Watching you makes it bearable.” He sighs. “More than bearable. You’re so sexy when you play.” He gestures to the fairy lights. “But this is a lot for celebrating the end of the season, so it can’t be that.”

“It’s our one-year anniversary of finding each other. Give or take a few days.”

Wren narrows his eyes into a playful expression. “That’s true. It is.”

“Besides, do we need a special occasion to dress up and celebrate how much we love each other?”

“No,” Wren draws the word out. “But you’ve gone to a lot of trouble, Daddy.”

“I like spoiling you.”

His cheeks flush a pretty shade of pink. “I like being spoiled. But I still think you’re up to something.”

I point at myself. “Me? Up to something?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

I take his hand. “I was going to save my surprise until after dinner, but you’ve twisted my arm. Come outside.”

I lead him onto the terrace, the sight of which makes him gasp and his eyes tear up a little.

“It’s even more beautiful than inside,” he whispers.

I’m glad he appreciates my handiwork with the fairy lights. It’s not dark yet, not even close, but I’ve put so many out here that the brightest rays of sunlight couldn’t diminish their sparkle.

Still holding his hand, I face him and go down on one knee so I have to look up at him for a change.

“What are you doing, Daddy?”

“Shush, boy.”

He mimes zipping his lips together, which makes me chuckle.

I stroke my thumb over the back of his hand. “Wren, since the moment we reconnected, you’ve made my heart soar. You make me happy every day just by being you. You’re my future. Will you marry me?”

He claps his hand over his mouth. His hand trembles in mine.

I use my free hand to take a ring box out of my pocket. I flip open the lid and turn the box so he can see the ring inside. It’s a slim band, most of which is made from brushed titanium, except for a thin strip on each outside edge which is polished enough to reflect the light from the fairy lights.

Wren sniffs. Tears slip down his cheek.

“I didn’t mean to make you cry, baby.”

He moves his hand from his mouth and brushes the tears from his face. “Happy tears,” he whispers. “Very happy tears.”

“Will you?” I ask in a gentle tone. “Marry me?”

“Yes, Daddy. Oh, fuck, I love you.”

Grinning, I slide the ring onto his finger.

“It’s a perfect fit,” he says.

“You don’t sound surprised.”

“I’m not. Everything you pick out for me fits perfectly. I think you missed your calling as a personal shopper.”

I chuckle. “Maybe I can do that when I retire from rugby.” I stand, lift him into my arms, and spin him around until we laugh. “I love you.”